Taris Desert Geographic Location in Ereza | World Anvil

Taris Desert

The desert south of the Barere Mountain Range. The arid landscape receives very little precipitation due to the Barere rain shadow from the north and west and trade winds from the east. It would be uninhabitable if it were not dotted with oases fed by underground water sources, and of course, where the Spira River slices through on its journey to the ocean.    

Desert Inhabitants

Humans of the Desert

It is the home of the Tarin people and the offshoot Spiran who reside along their namesake Spira River.   The Tarin are nomadic and move through the desert between water sources with their camel herds. The only true Tarin settlement is located around the oasis Abydos. There is a second, settled, oasis in the desert, Basyoon, however this is an outpost for the unwanted.   The Spiran have settled three cities along the Spira river: Menes, the capital, Gita, and Armot.  

Beasts of the Desert


Camels, which are trapped and domesticated by the Tarin who depend on them for survival. The Dax antelope, a deep desert resident that gets all of its moisture from food and dew. It's stomach is lined with water storing pouches, and like the camel, it produces highly concentrated urine. The Tarin hunt the Dax for its meat; they also depend on their hides for to create water skins, which means precision with projectiles is of the utmost importance.


Various lizards and snakes.


Ants, beetles, flies, scorpions (including the giant Suneater Scorpion), and spiders.


Arid, rain shadow + crosswind desert
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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