Vakilalona Settlement in Eoferan | World Anvil
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18,000 50% Mountain Dwarf, 20% Duegar, 20% Drow, 7% Human, and 3% miscellaneous races.


The government is a court of aristocrats, though several wealthy Mine and Trading Bosses are the real power behind the throne.


The primary area of the city is surrounded by high stone walls and has a defensive battalion of Gurada Real, and the Corsários of the Patrões.

Industry & Trade

The city is primarily a resource town, that mines the rare mineral Arcanite. They make most of the money that comes into the city through the export of this mineral and thus a lot of time and effort is put into the mining of it.


The basic infrastructure of Vakilalona is that of the most advanced cities in the continent. Paved roads even through the lower neighborhoods where the most indebeted dwarven miners live, the primary traderoute through the North East is so finely paved that one could not tell they were not on a ship. The finer sections of town are lit by Arcanite torches along the streets, while the lower neighborhoods are lit by conventional torches. There are mills that utilize Arcanite that grind imported flour and other goods for bread, and stable hunting houses that butcher meat for the citizens.


A healthy vein of Arcanite that runs through the mountain and under the city that is used for very lucrative trade. A well financed army by the aristocracy of the area, as well as small private security forces from the three Patrões of the Mining Guild, the Trade Guild, and the Laborers Guild.

Guilds and Factions

The Laborer's Guild, which is a group of mine workers that have banded together to represent the worker's interests to offset the Mining Guild, which is the company guild that mines the Arcanite. There's also the Trade Guild that bands the Comiceros together in negotiating prices from the mine.


Vakilalona has an interesting blend of styles due to it's proximity to several different cultures historically. Mixed with the hard sensible stone edged buildings are fillagreed spiderweb frescos of the Drow, curved wooden buildings of the Wood Elves, as well as rustic wooden buildings built by the firbolg.


Vakilalona sits in a somewhat fertile valley high in the peaks of the Sistoto Belt, just north of the Kintiestian border. The massive peak of Mount Soco sits to the southeast, dominating the view of the horizon, as the smaller Mount Toque rises above the slope of the city and holds the primary arcanite mine of the region.

Natural Resources

Arcanite, various stones, and woodland pelts.


Vakilalona is seperated into six barrios:
  • Sobritano
  • Akru Tiora
  • Novoberria
  • Harran Murr
  • Dsteraponto
  • Setor de Negocios


  • Vakilalona
    High in mountain peaks in the Kingdom of Dulkunbu, Vakilalona rests nestled in a small valley just north of the major arcanite mines.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The High Mines of Dulkunbu
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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