Ironwood Conclave Organization in Eglorix | World Anvil
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Ironwood Conclave

A collection of the four Kingdoms on the continent of Dane.  


The Ironwood Conclave was formed in the midst of the Gosan Insurrection in 1213 3E. The civil war had been raging for 5 years with Jote and Phev attempting to run their kingdom with their capital occupied and Tern being the only successful kingdom to turn back the Rebels and force them from their borders. It was agreed in secret meetings that the Kingdoms needed to band together to aid one another so they all could succeed. Tern had the military might and safety within but its people were starving and had no resources to continue to wage war. Phev maintained control of its significant farmlands and Jote had been stockpiling resources but was unable to reach them. They formed the Ironwood Conclave and named Destrian Crewe the first Arbiter of the conclave. Being a seasoned soldier of Jote and an excellent eye for strategy the Conclave was able to route the insurrection by the end of 1214 3E. Where he returned the wartime powers given to him and spent the rest of his years ensuring the Ironwood Conclave was built on solid principles and contained members of all the kingdoms. Cementing its position of strength in Dane and partnership with its members.   

Arbiter of the Conclave

The primary role of the Arbiter is as a diplomat between the kingdoms and settling minor disputes and dealing with the powers. Occasionally, the arbiter, with a majority vote of the members, is given Wartime command of the armies of the Conclave and authority to do what they think best in emergency situations.


  • Dane
Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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