Aealious Igarashi Character in Disc Casters | World Anvil

Aealious Igarashi

President of Igarashi Corporations and World Disc Caster's Champion Aealious Igarashi (a.k.a. Lord of the 50 Storms)

One of the most accomplished young people America Aealious didn't let the fact that he was born to a wealthy family stop him from making his own way in the world. Aealious although not of age to run the family company makes of the decisions for it with a proxy who has been handling such affairs for him since his father disappeared. Most people can agree that is a hard man to work.  
"Look, I am not interested in helping you or your friends save the world, in fact, I am quite tired of helping you. If you and your squad, or whatever, want to do something about this go and do something you sure as the void don't need my permission."
- Aealious Igarashi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aealious is fit and thin both things that he uses to his advantage on the occasion that he needs a quick escape. He's also agile which has made him a foe to be wary of if challenged to hand combat. In essence, Aealious gives his body the same attention and respect his mind gets.

Body Features

For being Japanese-American Aealious has unusually blue eyes that he inherited from his Caucasian mother.

Facial Features

Aealious has a thin face that is usually in a serious or stern expression. He also has thin eyebrows and oval eyes that come to a slight point.

Identifying Characteristics

For being Japanese American he has piercing blue eyes. Aealious is always wearing a jacket of some kind and has some embellishments to the coat.

Physical quirks

Aealious is right handed and walks at a confident pace with his hands to his sides. When he is standing he takes a commanding posture and will either place a hand on his hip or in his pocket.

Special abilities

Aealious has a knack at seeing patterns and is good at programming and building things. There are few programs that Aealious can hack into although he chooses not to since he doesn't see much a point to it. Aealious is also gifted with Krav Maga a mix of boxing, aikido, judo, and jujitsu according to .

Apparel & Accessories

Aealious is business first fun second kind of guy but unlike most businessmen, he leaves the suit and ties for the office if he can be bothered to put them on. Aealious has a strong sense of honor and wears long sleeve jackets with bracer like wrist bands over the sleeves making it impossible to cheat with thumb cards. However, his flamboyant personality and snobbish attitude gives him a preference for nice clean looking close that are white.   Aealious is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect his younger brother Sho Igarashi and so wears clothes that are athletic just in case he needs to project his hand to hand combat or magic.

Specialized Equipment

Aealious like most other Tournament Casters keeps a Disc Casters TCG Deck with him at all times. He is also skilled with some martial arts and knows how to defend himself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aealious became the CEO of Igarashi Corporations at a young age and also became the world champion of Disc Casters some years later. Although not quite old enough to legally run the company he runs it through a proxy who makes the decisions for him. He is very private and other than what is publicly know about him.  

Early Years

  Aealious and Sho Igarashi lost their mother at a young age and still at that age were able to do a corporate take over of their father's company and turned it from a weapons company to a gaming company. Thanks to the business training that their father gave Aealious. Also around that time, their father went missing.   Aealious invented an interactive holographic system to bring Disc Casters to life in tournaments to make watching and playing more engaging. Of course to do this Aealious had to have the right permissions from Nathaniel Jackson which were surprisingly easy to get. Ever since however Nathaniel has been trying to get Igarashi Corporations and Aealious has defeated him at every turn.   The other organization that Aealious has worked with is the International Disc Caster's Network or IDCN who were thrilled to have the new technology. Aealious' affiliation with IDCN is a bit deeper than just inventing some cool technology but as the World Champion of Disc Casters, he is also a member of the organization which has made his technology widely accepted among the IDCN. This has made him both respected and feared in the organization.   Aealious is looking forward to graduating high school and plans on taking over the company full time and continuing his promising Tournament Caster career.

Gender Identity





Currently in high school but has started taking some college-level classes he was homeschooled by his parents up until the disappearance of his father.


Aealious is the President of Igarashi Corporation and is a Tournament Caster.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aealious invented the Holographic Arena techonoly that helped get Disc Casters the popularity that Go Down in Games: A Gaming Company always knew that the game could have. Instead of selling the tech to Go Down in Games Aealious help build the International Disc Caster's Network(IDCN) to regulate the gaming tournamnets that tech would be used for. Of course the CEO of Go Down in Games, Nathaniel Jackson, also helped in making the IDCN. Although the game is not that famous it is well respected mostly thanks to Aealious' invention.

Failures & Embarrassments

Although in the eyes of the media that Aealious is flawless as any other teen idol Aealious is far from perfect and has worked hard on his projects. Although this is considered failures Aealious prefers to think of them as step backs and was able to invite his holographic technology.

Mental Trauma

The death of his mother has left him a little worst for ware mainly because he was never given a chance to properly grieve her when he was a kid.

Intellectual Characteristics

Aealious is very logical and finds it easy to see patterns that others could have missed half of the reason why invented the Holographic Arena tech was because he could see the popularity of the game and the problem that it needed something else to go with it to make that more engaging and fun.

Morality & Philosophy

Aealious is a businessman and makes choices that will make Igarashi Corporations look good to the public.   Aealious believes that hard work is its own reward and that there is no such thing as free rides. If someone wants what he has whether it be his company or his title as the best Tournament Caster in the world that person will have to work just as hard in not harder. This even applies to people who aren't out to ruin or take over his company although born rich he didn't get a free pass and isn't going to be giving one to anyone else.   This philosophy, however, is not a popular one and Aealious has donated large sums of money to charities to have the public approve of the company. The charities that he chooses to donate to are both environmental and humanitarian and line up with his core beliefs so has donated to some charities that don't make him or his company that popular to other groups.


Aealious doesn't believe in luck, destiny, or fate and looks down on anyone who does and points to them to grit, hard work, and discipline as what they should depend on instead.

Personality Characteristics


Aealious' main motivation is always to be the very best at everything that he does whether it is playing Disc Casters or running his company. He also wants to get revenge on Todd Booker for defeating him and using Mind Sap on him that caused him to be unconscious and not his normal self for several weeks.  

Caster's Kingdom

  Aealious, although invited to the Caster's Kingdom Tournament decides not to attend and take some time to discover himself over the summer at the old family summer house in the mountains. He does come to Caster's Kingdom Island in order to find his brother Sho who was kidnapped by Nathaniel Jackson and stop the hostile tack over of his company.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aealious is very good at anything that requires logic whether it be Sudoku to programming a system that projects instantly the input that it was given Aealious has it covered. Aealious is also a good athlete although he doesn't compete having been taught material arts by his mother and a private instructor. All of this logic and reason has scratched most creative interest off of Aealious' things to do as he is not that great at doing anything art related seeing creating new technologies as an outlet instead of painting or music. Although there are more creative fields that require more thought and logic is not interested in that he wants to solve problems that he cares about that will have a good impact and fit in his hands, not the box that it comes in.

Likes & Dislikes

Aealious likes to spend time with his brother and do activities that close enough to challenging to interest. Since Aealious is focused on goals and doing things that he actually cares about he doesn't like anything that he calls a distraction. These distractions can be anything from small talk to cartoons that literally don't have a point or tell a unifying story such as the real world Tom and Jerry animation, anything that he thinks is pointless and doesn't have meaning is banished from his life.

Virtues & Personality perks

Aealious has a strong will and a desire to get things done and with the insight and the courage to see any task to its end. Although most think Aealious is an uncaring individual he really does care about his brother and company and will do anything to make sure both business and family are going smoothly. Aealious is a tough love kind of guy who is not afraid to tell it as it no matter how much the other characters want to believe otherwise.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aealious is blunt to the point his words can be harmful and he has even made sarcastic comments to people whether on purpose or not realizing. Since he is so focused on success and pursuing his goals he has a tendency to talk down to people who care about him making people who don't know him personally think that he is only using them. Aealious is also proud and will rarely admit if he is wrong and will even go to lengths to protect his ego and mend his fragile pride.


Contacts & Relations

Although not friends Aealious works pretty close with Nathaniel Jackson.

Family Ties

Sho is Aealious' brother and they are each other's only surviving family.

Religious Views

Not religious from seeing that there isn't much a point to it in his busy life.

Social Aptitude

Aealious is snobbish and prefers to get to the point and keep matters short. He doesn't have time to hear people whine about pointless details. Aealious is also aware of his reputation both in the corporate and competitive worlds and doesn't care that people he works with or against don't like him. He is abrasive and doesn't care if he hurts people's feelings. With all of this air of superiority, it is surprising that Aealious is an introvert and spends most of his alone if he can help it.


Aealious used reserved gestures when he is talking to a small group of people and uses bigger gestures when talking to multiple people.

Hobbies & Pets

Aealious likes to keep his mind sharp and so does a lot of puzzles and tinkering in his spare time.


Aealious keeps his tone pretty even and only various for effect. When he is around fewer people and doesn't have to worry about the media he will sometimes swear.


Aealious Igarashi

Arch-Rival (Important)

Towards Todd Booker



Todd Booker

Friend (Important)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Nathaniel Jackson

Arch-Rival (Important)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Arch-Rival (Important)

Towards Nathaniel Jackson



Aealious Igarashi

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Martin Davis



Martin Davis

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Vivian Clearheart

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Vivian Clearheart



Aealious Igarashi

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Stella Wayland



Stella Wayland

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Adrien Carmouche

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Annoyance (Trivial)

Towards Adrien Carmouche



Edward Booker

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Edward Booker



Joshua Biggeri

Annoyance (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Joshua Biggeri




Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Khepri



Louise Bir

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Louise Bir



Sho Igarashi

Brother (Vital)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Brother (Vital)

Towards Sho Igarashi




Arch-Rival (Important)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Arch-Rival (Important)

Towards Ru



Richard Line

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Richard Line



Rex Biggeri

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aealious Igarashi



Aealious Igarashi

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Rex Biggeri



Wealth & Financial state

Aealious and Sho both inherited quite the fortune when their mother died and their father despaired. Aealious being the oldest hold most of the control of the wealth. They own a successful company in gaming accessories, he sits as a board member for IDCN as one of its founders and has investments in multiple other companies. On top of this, he is also the best at Disc Casters and has won many tournaments. Saying that he is a cardholder of being part of the 1% is an understatement.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the 50 Storms, President of Igarashi Corporations, World Disc Caster's Champion
Year of Birth
2001 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
November 3rd he was planned.
New York City
Current Residence
New York City
Crystal blue and narrow.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale tan
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English and Japanese
Character Prototype
Based on Seto Kabia from Yu-Gi-Oh.


  Myers Briggs Personality

ISTP and split with ISTJ

Character Portrait image: Aealious Igarashi Portrait by Esther Harmon
This article has no secrets.