Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller Character in Demis | World Anvil

Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller

Lord of the Tortles Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller (a.k.a. Gax)

Always the older brother sort of personality, Gargax has always adored all of his younger siblings, with Jaxi being his clear favorite. Growing up, Gargax always wanted the best for his sister and for her to be able to fit in well among the other Dragonborn children. In an attempt to accomplish this, he would tend to push her too far at times. One day Jaxi was attempting to learn how to fly for the first time, as Gargax looked on. He eventually became frustrated with her inability to focus and pushed her off a cliff as he had seen many birds do from their nests in order to teach fledglings how to fly. Jaxi nearly died that day and as a result Gargax reflected and came to see the beauty of respecting everyone’s individual journeys and supporting them in a less aggressive fashion. Gargax then pledged reformed his perspective on life, vowing never to push someone beyond their limits again and moving forward to continue to help others and encourage them on their personal endeavors. He was delighted to have his sister along with him and they then began their travels as an adventuring duo, learning as much as possible and helping those they came into contact with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

From the moment he burst from his egg, Gargax has been sturdy in build. Considering his favorite childhood pastime activities consisted of climbing trees and cliffs, making towers out of heavy stones and wrestling with his brother Vraktrin, it is no surprise that Gargax grew into the strong, imposing figure he is today. Currently, Gargax's physique could be described as athletic and bulky as his large frame is filled out with heaps of tightly-wound muscle.

Body Features

Gargax's face and body features many small scars as a result of being less than careful when playing throughout his childhood. The more substantial scars tend to be related to his more recent adventuring career or scuffles with Vraktrin growing up. His brother holds a bit of pride for having given Gargax one of his more prominent facial scars across his left cheek. Gargax's body is also covered in silver scales and flexible plating that, when cleaned and polished, shines brightly in direct light.

Facial Features

Gargax's face is covered in small silver scales that layer and build into larger spikes and horns. His facial structure is boxy and angular with a long, thick snout with a point rising from the tip of his nose. Gargax's head is topped by two large horns that are slightly angled towards each other and filled in by a mohawk of silver feathers that are tipped with blue. His face is littered with small scars and marks and a prominent brow crowns his bright bluish-purple eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Gargax is easily identifiable in a crowd as he tends to tower over anyone near him as to the top of his head he is seven feet tall and his horns give him even more height. When he is cleaned, his glistening scales can be seen from a moderate distance away in direct sunlight. Up close, Gargax's uniquely purple and blue eyes which are accentuated by his blue frosted tips tend to catch the eye.

Physical quirks

Taught by his parents to be proud of his lineage and skill, Gargax always walks with his head held high, back straight and shoulders back, fully taking advantage of his gargantuan stature. He maintains an air of relaxed confidence. This being said, Gargax does still have a tendency to trip over flat ground, betraying his less than perfect balance. Gargax's skin is also noticeably cold at all times, if the weather is warm, he will emit a flow of condensation with his breaths.

Special abilities

-"Moment of Clarity" - once per day - may result in physical harm. -Summon Pocket Candy - May be able to summon candy to his pocket at will. -Ice Breath Sculpting - Can form a lumpy ball of ice with breath ability.

Apparel & Accessories

-Navy blue pirate shirt -Gerudo style desert apparel -Fitted leather chaps -Silver Fur armband -Tulip pin Pip: -White pirate shirt -Blue bow

Specialized Equipment

With his proclivity for strength and strength-based training, Gargax always preferred to use heavier weapons with a defensive fighting style. To this day, he tends to pair a long sword with a large shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gargax was born with the first clutch of the newly forming silver dragonborn Nyaldaashkmeller family clan, wherein all share strong family values as well as their name. His parents, Nasaadi and Gherash were nervous but excited to bring forth their first clutch despite feeling already overwhelmed with running the clan. The first clutch contained seven eggs and were cared for by the clan brood mother, Faer, a kind older silver dragonborn woman who is very pleased to help raise the new generations. Early one morning, as the sun had barely crested the horizon, an egg began to stir. Faer quickly summoned Nasaadi and Gherash to witness their first child being born. The process was steady as the tiny dragonborn child pecked, kicked and clawed through the egg. Just as the baby's face seemed like it was about to breach the egg and officially be born, another egg began to shake and rock furiously. This second egg then topples over, causing a large crack to form across the side as the brood mother and clan leaders watched on, unable to decide which child would come first. This question was then answered as with one swift kick, the second egg bursts open and a tiny, chubby silver dragonborn baby sits up out of the egg. The parents are ecstatic at the anticipated birth of their first child and even more so as the first egg then also finally pushes through the fractured shell. The parents decide to name the first born Gargax and the second Vraktrin, thus solidifying the future rivalry between the two brothers. The rest of the eggs hatch in succession not long afterwards and the birth bond was clear from the start. All of the siblings were inseparable despite their vast differences in skill and personality. Vraktrin continued to feel a personal rivalry with Gargax and would regularly challenge him to different challenges and battles. Early on in his childhood, before the family came to settle, Nasaadi and Gherash came across an orphaned aaracokra named Jaxi that they adopted. Already recognizing Gargax's strong brotherly love for his younger siblings, Nasaadi asked him to protect and care for her, a task that Gargax holds close to this day. From that day on Gargax was just as loving towards Jaxi as he was to his other siblings, if not slightly more as he felt a personal obligation and deep love for her. Growing up, Gargax always wanted the best for his sister and for her to be able to fit in well among the other dragonborn children. In an attempt to accomplish this, he would tend to push her too far at times. One day Jaxi was attempting to learn how to fly for the first time, as Gargax excitedly encouraged her. He eventually became frustrated with her inability to focus and pushed her off the cliff she had been standing atop for hours, as he had seen many birds do from their nests in order to teach fledglings how to fly. Jaxi nearly fell to her death but thankfully caught her bearings and a strong gust of win and gained the ability to fly. Gargax was momentarily terrified as he observed his sister plummeting for what seemed like forever but breathed a sigh of relief as she caught the updraft. Nearly watching his sister's last moments of life showed him the beauty of respecting everyone’s individual journeys and supporting them in a less aggressive fashion. At this moment Gargax then made a promise to himself to reform his perspective on life, vowing never to push someone beyond their limits again and moving forward to continue to help others and encourage them on their personal endeavors. Later on in life, after Jaxi had returned from her time in the monk temple, she presented that she would like to travel the continent and continue to work on her mapmaking skills. Gargax, excited at the prospect of travel as well as recalling his childhood promise to his mother, insisted on accompanying her on her journey. Jaxi, although begrudgingly, accepted and now the two travel across Demis, making maps, taking up odd jobs and mercenary work and getting caught up in many an adventure.

Gender Identity

Gargax has identified as male his whole life.


Gargax initially identified as heterosexual but since leaving his home village and coming into contact with a much wider range of individuals, now identifies as pansexual.


Growing up among a dragonborn clan, wherein trade education is the strongest focus, Gargax received education in several areas including: exercise and physical education focusing on strength, dexterity and constitution, rudimentary reasoning and memory training, history and geography, communication and interpersonal skills, as well as perception and insight. Alongside this education, all of the dragonborn children are also educated in a fighting style of their choice; Gargax having chosen to study defensive fighting using a longsword and shield. The students are also often given "application days" where they are either given an assessment of the skills that they had recently gained or sent out into the nearby area and encouraged to spend 24 hours away from home using their special skills. The assessment days could consist of events such as obstacle courses, puzzles and riddles, races and sparring, etc. In this way, Gargax and all of his siblings have been well equipped for whatever sort of path they end up choosing in life, be they politicians, adventurers or just participating in the clan. Despite this educational background, Gargax always tended to struggle with reading and writing and since discontinuing his education in adolescence, has almost completely lost his ability to do either.


Growing up, Gargax would take certain odd jobs around the clan just to help out or make a little extra money for some sweets. Most of the time these jobs related to moving large and heavy objects around for shop owners or wrangling escaped livestock. Not long after leaving home with Jaxi, the pair came across Misht by chance and he shared his intentions of traveling across Demis and the pair were able to convince him that he would definitely need a guide as well as some protection in order to make the journey in one piece. In this way, Gargax became a Mercenary and a Guide. Along his journey, Gargax has also been charged with the extermination of several monsters including but not limited to Dire Cats, Doppelgangers and Mimics.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Investigated the reason people have been going missing in Limerick Forest -Sought out Fridga in Shidon -Retrieved the prized Longbow of Rillifane Rallathil for Minye -Healed forest home of Oaken Grove so it may return -Settled tensions between humans of Arbor Harbor and elves of Teebrook -Retrieved the Splendiferous Bauble for Trevor -Won Igor Larinov’s challenge dungeon -Took care of the Dire Cats that are wreaking havoc on Carda’s mouse theater -Helped the nomadic human caravan find a place to settle and build their town -Discovered the fate of Isabel and the other children lost from the human encampment -Rescued the missing tortle hatchlings -Retrieved the Decanter of Endless Water for Trevor -Dealt with Wrinth, the false prophet from Croesus -Purged Croesus of Doppelganger invaders and rescue original inhabitants -Successfully crossed the desert -Exterminated mimics in library in Lanrick’s Circle -Won in a fight pit in Shidon -Retrieved Ruvlia’s flute from The Bank -Discovered why lightning is striking randomly in Shidon’s River District

Failures & Embarrassments

-Challenged Testicles to a fight after he was provoked and was almost immediately knocked out -Was going to ask Erig Gearison for more money for having helped rescue the scouts and preventing a war between the elves but felt guilty asking for money from such an already poor town and decided against it. -Tried to set a trap to catch some Dire Cats and accidentally ends up getting caught in it himself. -Attempted to barrel down a sand dune to attack a bunch of kobolds like a live bowling ball but tripped, fell and got knocked out by a stray arrow from Gary. -Accidentally offended purple dragonborn in future timeline by inquiring about her scale color. -Attempted to flirt with Prildrekmaad Yrrith “Pril” but turned out to actually be a bait to talk to Jaxi.

Mental Trauma

-Pushed Jaxi off a cliff to encourage her to learn how to fly, nearly causing her death. -Almost lost Jaxi to a Specter after getting distracted playing pirates with Pip. -The young girl Isabel was killed and turned into a Hag, Jaxi didn’t want to kill her right away because she wouldn’t truly turn evil until she was older but she was still a monster so Gargax had to kill the child’s lookalike.

Intellectual Characteristics

-Impulsive/Reckless -Good Sense of Humor -Leader -Friendly/Social -Manichean -Protective -Helpful

Morality & Philosophy

-Everyone should be able to experience their own path at their own pace. -If someone needs help, you should try to help them to the best of your ability. -Monsters are monsters and cannot be reformed.


Slightly afraid that Aarokocras will take his sister away one day, therefore a little nervous to meet others.

Personality Characteristics


Due to his strong emotional connection to his family, Gargax has always held the goal of making his family, the Nyaldaashkmeller Clan, proud and be a valuable contributor to the society. Gargax was also asked by his mother as a child to watch over and take care of Jaxi and this is a task he has truly taken to heart. Compounded by his deep familial love for his sister, Gargax always wants to assist Jaxi in whatever ways he can to complete her goals and live a fulfilling life.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: -Teamwork -Decision Making -Leadership -Confidence -Integrity   Ineptitudes: -Critical Thinking -Memory Recall -Tolerance -Focus

Likes & Dislikes

Likes -The scent of snow -Yellow -Flowers -Candy -Helping people -Making friends -His family -Fight Pits -Children -Meat -Draceden Waffles   Dislikes -Eggs -Travel by boat -Gary Lorros -Being woken up early -People who don’t value family -Traitors/Cowards/Liars -Taking advantage of people

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues: -Kindness -Diligence -Helpfulness -Integrity -Perseverance -Reliability   Perks: -Family bond with other silver and green dragonborn -Maintains connections in all visited locations -Lord title among tortles

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices: -Impatience -Recklessness -Excessive Spending -Untrusting   Flaws: -Dislikes anyone who takes advantage of or abandons their family -Tends to doubt Jaxi's abilities and assume she needs help doing things -Will sometimes waste money when there is surplus

Personality Quirks

Tics: -None   Quirks: -Unique Eye Color -Highly Extroverted -Extremely Loyal -Cannot read or write


Gargax tends to manage good hygiene when possible, always keeps his feathers in good condition because he knows Jaxi likes them to look nice.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts: Misht/Otomne Bosht - Charge - Friend Cama - Friend Desillarus Trevor - Friend Tennith (Ten) - Acquaintance Ulki - Acquaintance Gary Weedwacker - Companion Djemidor “Jem” - Acquaintance Prildrekmaad Yrrith “Pril” - Friend Fridga Forgecoat - Friend Arius - Confidant Ruvlia Stonebreak - Companion Sander & Trill - Acquaintances   Relations: Jaxi Nyaldaashkmeller - Sister Nasaadi N. - Mother Gehrash N. - Father Faer N. - Broodmother Vraktrin N. - Brother Sazire N. - Brother Avayla N. - Sister Naadak N. - Brother Xiris N. - Sister Raskul N. - Brother Someila N - Sister Reaux N. - Brother

Family Ties

The Nyaldaashkmeller Clan is Gargax's family and highest priority in his life. He would do whatever he could to help his clan mates as he knows that they would do the same for him.

Religious Views

The Nyaldaashkmeller clan holds a belief in Rellemkhsaadlaynyaldaashkmeller, also known as Rellemkhsaadlayn for short, a dragon diety with a Neutral Good alignment whose primary doctrines include unity, peace and selflessness. Rituals include periodic celebrations throughout the year focusing on each of these values. Gargax will sometimes perform prayers to Rellemkhsaadlayn but usually just tries to be the best person he can be.

Social Aptitude

Gargax has always been very friendly and social with others, often being the firs to approach others and introduce himself with his iconic, "Hi my name is Gargax, what's your name?" Despite his good intentions, however, he often misreads social cues which can lead to awkward interactions.


-Will regularly lean on nearby walls, counters or other available surfaces. -Will clench jaw when frustrated or upset. -Sticks out tongue when thinking hard. -Will maintain eye contact even when it is uncomfortable. -Regularly zones out and stares off into space.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets: Pip the Gerbil   Hobbies: -Skill Building -Exercising -Ice Sculpting -Chatting


Gargax tends towards smaller words but uses good pronunciation when speaking.


Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller

Older Brother (Vital)

Towards Jaxi Nyaldaashkmeller



Jaxi Nyaldaashkmeller

Younger Sister (Important)

Towards Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller




Jaxi was adopted by Gargax's biological parents and raised among the Nyaldaashkmeller clan as if she were a true blooded sibling.

Nicknames & Petnames

Gax & Jax

Relationship Reasoning

At a young age, Gargax's mother asked him to always look after and protect Jaxi, and he has stuck by her side as much as he could since then.

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller

Companion (Trivial)

Towards Gary Weedwacker



Gary Weedwacker

Companion (Trivial)

Towards Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller



Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller

Son (Important)

Towards Nasaadi & Gherash Nyaldaashkmeller



Nasaadi & Gherash Nyaldaashkmeller

Parents (Important)

Towards Gargax Nyaldaashkmeller




Born and raised by his biological parents, Gargax has always looked up to his mother and father.

Wealth & Financial state

Wealth has not been a large focus in the Nyaldaashkmeller clan at any point so Gargax tends to just hold the amount of money required to live and eat on a day to day basis. Has a tendency to purchase leisure items and activities when money is in surplus.

First born in a large clutch to his parents Nasaadi and Gherash, Gargax has always been the loving elder brother archetype. A true defender of the weak, Gargax seeks to help people and make friends wherever he goes.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Gargax the Strong of the Tortles - Granted by small group of tortles encountered in the Mourning Woods
Date of Birth
26th of Ulken - Dominem
Jaxi Nyaldaashkmeller (Younger Sister)
Current Residence
Loose Mohawk of Silver Feathers with Blue Tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver Scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why would we want to go get Shidon?" - In reference to having misheard the name of a major city in northern Demis.
Known Languages
Gargax learned Common and Draconic from speaking with his clan mates throughout childhood and young adulthood as the two languages may be mixed in regular conversation among the clan. Gargax also chose to learn how to speak Giant as he felt that it was a race he related to due to his large stature.

A Spiritual Connection
16th of Zincyth - Igni

We are running out of money again. I was going to ask Erig if he could give us some coin but he is so nice that I felt bad and I chickened out. So instead we told blue guy that it was time to pay up and he did, I don't feel bad about that because he owed us a lot! He still owes Jaxi some blue things, though, I'll have to remember that. We went back to Teebrook to get Cama so we could go through the forest but when we got there this crazy little elf lady with a lot of mice needed our help to get rid of some big mean cats. Jaxi did a lot of investigating and we did get to kill the cats and save all the mice, the lady even gave me a little gerbil named Gerald but his name is Pip now. He is so cute and he likes Jaxi too! Then the lady showed us a mouse show that was super awesome! Before we left I tried to learn how paper is made because I thought it would be cool if I could make the paper that Jaxi does her maps on but it's a lot harder than I thought. I am going to keep trying, though, I want to help Jaxi! -- The next day, Cama led us through the forest, he is a nice elf, I will miss him. We made it outside of the forest, thanks to him, and went into a swamp. There was a lot of fog and it was hard to see, not even Jaxi could fly up to see where we were going. Eventually we made it to a dock with a really fancy-shmancy looking boat next to it. A sign said we could cross the swamp for 2 Gold! That's easy-peasy cuz blue guy has to pay for that stuff. So we got onto the boat to find the captain, I didn't find him but I found his cool hat while Jaxi and blue guy went below. Pip and I played cards and pretended to be sailors and walked around while we waiting but then all of a sudden some dead guys showed up??? I didn't really stop, I had to make sure Jaxi was alright so I ran down and I thought she was locked in a closet but it was actually blue guy. I figured he couldn't get hurt if he was locked in the closet so I went to find my sister. She was all the way at the bottom and I got tackled by a bunch of the dead guys so she ran up and saved me. I distracted a ghost pirate so Jaxi and blue guy could escape and then I ran past him. We ran up and busted up the ghost pirate's body and all the dead guys stopped attacking us and we jumped off the sinking boat to the other side. It was SO. FREAKING. COOL. It turned out the boat was a ghost boat that's supposed to kill people but we are way too cool for that. We made camp and went to sleep in the woods after that. All in all, it was a great day today.

No Pain, No Gain
14th of Zincyth - Duo

I sure do love booze...but hangovers are the WORST! The blue devil was really loud this morning, too, definitely was not helping my head. That guy is super weird overall, he talks to his book like it's a person. Even I know that books don't talk back to you... Anyway, there was weird music outside this morning, but the kind that doesn't hurt your hangover headache, so we went to find out where it was coming from. We found this magic butterfly that turns into a magic house with two magic statues outside that can talk! Their names are Tyler and Kevin and they REALLY want to go to the beach. The beach is awesome, I want to go to the beach. But Tyler and Kevin know us and tell us to go inside the house to meet Trevor but not really because we already met him even though we've never met him before. Magic Trevor tells us about a cool item and where we can get it so of course we leave to find it as soon as blue devil is done talking about books again. --- The next day we go to this challenge dungeon place which is super freaking cool and that famous guy Testicles is there. He's really strong but not very nice for some reason. Jaxi says that if I wait until the end of the dungeon to fight everyone we get extra points so I was really trying hard not to punch anyone this time. We got split up right after that so I did some cool stuff like throwing a ball and dancing to find Jaxi and get to the fight at the end. Testicles actually helped me because we were in this spirally room and this giant rock ball started rolling towards us but Testicles made us pass right through it, so cool! He seemed pretty cool then. I saw Jaxi again right after that and I sorta got another headache, but not a hangover one this time. We figured out the next room by mixing colors. Next was a huge room with pictures and words and we solved that one pretty easy. Testicles waited for us in the next room for some reason and Jaxi said it was time to fight and I was SO READY, MAN! But Testicles is really strong so I changed my mind and he messed up the next puzzle so it didn't really matter anyways. Blue guy figured out the puzzle he failed and we got the magic candy! It looked so good but Jaxi and blue guy kept saying it was other stuff. I just wanted candy. There was a huge party after! Then we took the candy to Trevor and he turned it into a pine cone for some reason and they he put it into a fountain and suddenly I was somewhere else and I was really small! A big guy came into the room and said "It's over." and then I was me again. Phew! I don't know if I like this magic stuff, I thought I was going to be small forever... We tell Trevor what happened and he gives blue guy a weird book. I bet he will talk to that one too.

Makers of Friends
12th of Zincyth - Dominem

The little kid left, I think he figured out that he gave Jaxi a gift after she stole from him and he felt stupid so he left out of embarrassment. Ha ha, people can be so weird here. I slept in today, yesterday was busy and I had cool dreams about squashing a spider army but then there was this weird light that stopped the battle and a voice. I woke up then because it was boring. We went to the armory in town!!! I didn't even know that there was an armory in Arbor Harbor!!! I got a cool shield with our family crest on it! It would've been cooler to have the whole door as my shield but Jaxi helped make mine so I love it. Later we saw an elf, his name is Cama and he's cool even though he's kinda small. He took us to a weird village of elves in the woods who are mad at us for some reason??? The leader angry elf told us we have to find their fancy bow for them so we went to talk to a tree who likes belly rubs and he told us where to go. Before we went to get the bow we met the elves' Emperor. He's a squirrel but they don't seem to mind that. Everything is so backwards here, I usually just eat squirrels. There was also a lady there that told me that my card is the two of swords and that I had a big decision coming soon and that I should use my head. I'm not sure how legit her advice is, though, because I only have one sword, not two. --- We went out into the woods and saw some weird red mushrooms and dead stuff and this moldy tree guy attacked us. Jaxi one shot that him, no belly rubs for him! Jaxi is so cool, I'm happy she's getting strong too! We saw a treehouse and Jaxi went to check it out, she tried to push this other elf guy with crazy red hands off the tree house but she ended up just killing him anyway. Me and the blue guy just killed some more moldy tree guys. We got the bow back and then I kinda blacked out but after that we fixed the whole forest! We went back to the elves to tell them what we did and they are nice to us now. --- When we woke up the next day, Cama was worried that the elves and humans from Arbor Harbor would fight so we told them to give the humans trees so they wouldn't hurt the elves' special trees anymore so now they're friends too! Then the elves had a boring party and the cool nice guy, Erig, had an AWESOME party!

Boats, Blue and Bugs
10th of Zincyth - Igni

I don't like boats. Ever since we've been on this boat to Arbor Harbor I've felt sick and I've lost track of the amount of times I puked. There is no good food on the boat and it makes my stomach hurt even more. I can't help but think of the stews and roasts that brood mother Faer used to make back home... Jaxi got caught stealing again and I had to help her give everything back before she got in trouble. Anyway, adventure seems to find Jaxi and me wherever we go because as soon as we stepped off the boat with the blue guy and the little kid we were asked by this really cool and nice guy to find why people were going missing in the forest. He promised a blue thing for Jaxi so we went to check it out. The little kid also gave Jaxi a blue thing even though she stole from him so he's pretty nice... or maybe he doesn't know that you're supposed to be mad when someone steals from you... We went into the forest and squashed some big spiders, no problem. Then everyone else did some weird magicky stuff in the cave and we went back to the town to see Cool Guy but when we got there this jerk named Gary was going around telling everyone that he did all the cool stuff we did and took the credit - RUDE! The blue guy dropped a monster head on him and he ran away, though, haha!

Cover image: Medieval Town by Jung Yeoll


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