Dark Elves Species in Darta | World Anvil
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Dark Elves

These elves shun the light and live out their lives at night, watched by the moon from above.

Basic Information


The dark elves are a humanoid species. The thing that differenciates them from humans are that they are taller, more flexible, thinner and their eyes and ears.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves grow very slow. When they are born they grow at about the same rate as humans, but after 10 years their growth slows down. After that it takes about 200 years for them to become adults, and after that they usually start to show signs of old age at around 3000 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The dark elves rather spends their time in isolated places, like mountains or deep in the woods. Some even go down underground, but they need an elevated place to watch the moon from.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their ears are bigger than normal elves to easier catch sounds in the dark. The eyes are evolved to be camouflaged in the dark. The eye"whites" are dark, almost black, while the irises are lighter, some the colour of the stars. The dark elves have superior sight in the dark. If it gets too bright and if they are in direct sunlight their sight can take damage. Their faces have rough traits, ususally edgy and straight. You can see an indication of their lack of sunligt in their deep set eyes, and sometimes almost sickly look.

Average Intelligence

Because of their long lives, they have time to gain a lot of wisdom. Their connection to nature gives them a kind of hidden knowledge, like hearing whispers from the trees.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Because they come from the darkness, their senses have adapted to it. Their ears are bigger than normal elves and their eyes are much darker to not be seen. Their eye"whites" are black and the irises are lighter, like the starlight. Elves have a connection to nature, they can feel some kind of force from it.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
4 000 years
Average Height
170 - 230 cm
Average Physique
They are tall and lean.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The dark elves usually have dull, grey skin due to the lack of melanin from the sun. Their hair also takes a toll, being dark, heavy and impossible to fluff-up.


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