Canary Wharf Settlement in Cyberfei | World Anvil

Canary Wharf

Just outside of Central London and one of the least damaged areas of London after the Uprising, Canary Wharf quickly became a stronghold for the High Elves, and one of the main areas of Elven activity. The High Elf Council of London presides there and all are welcome to visit. Many people who escaped Central London chose to take shelter in areas around the Wharf, under High Elf protection.


Canary Wharf is mostly owned by Alliance ambassadors and as such is primarily populated by High Elves and humans sympathetic to their cause, though City Elves and other city fae are native to the area and can be found there too.
Canary Wharf circa. 4PB
Location under
Owning Organization
Early concept art for the entrance to the now-flooded Canary Wharf tube station

Cover image: by created with Adobe Spark


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