Matreemony Ethnicity in Curse You | World Anvil


Tree huggers gone wild. But like, in a good way.*

"Mom, dad... this is ma' tree."
— from Confessions of a Young Woman, a popular feminist pamphlet
  In the year 1919, the Great Oak Tree of Karolitz got assigned a status of a person. This action was the last attempt to save this 900 years old tree from being cut down in favour of building a giant warehouse on the meadow that this solitary tree grows in. And to the surprise of everyone - it worked! The tree is a person now and can grow where it pleases and cutting it down would equal to a murder. This court ruling was a very important step in the budding ecological movement that sprang up after the end of Great War and also put in motions the feminists and other marginalised groups of people. While many see this as a positive step towards a better future, this ruling ruffled some feathers and it was not just the factories who got mad.   The Bohemian society is not very forgiving when it comes to women seeking their independence, job opportunities and the freedom of not actually having families and becoming mothers. The society in general has a little understanding what the people really, actually want - especially when they dare to differ (or have no choice but to differ) from the traditional norm, whatever that norm may be. So when a tree got more rights for his own being then many of other sapient individuals out there, many of them saw it as an opportunity to stage more protests and bring these pressing societal issues to light. Enter the Matreemonists.   The followers of this movement (usually but not exclusively women, especially teenage girls and young adults) are protesting forced early marriage and societal expectations by marrying the trees themselves. You can recognise them by the green rings, usually made out of embroidery threads woven together into a braid, worn around their fingers in a place usually reserved for engagement rings. They also tend to cut their hair short or wear them coiffed high up to "look more like tree crowns" and to express that they are no longer "weighted down" by their long hair, or, in the figurative sense, the society itself. Their inner culture also puts more emphasis on friendship and communal living rather then the typical urban nuclear family.   They mostly stage peaceful protests and organise local picnics and hang signs onto local trees surrounding frequented roads to raise awareness of certain issues - such as low pay, little voting rights, different sexualities and the overall inequality among people and other sentient folk. While very little change has been done on the governmental levels, all these issues seem to be resonating with the public and gaining more momentum.   Matreemonists are no longer seen as crazy leaf ladies, but as inspiring figures fighting for progress. But even though they all share common goals and core philosophy, this movement is very fragmented and it's not centrally organised. It remains more of a lifestyle.

* Meeting hot dryads is just an added bonus.

This article has no secrets.


Author's Notes

Czech It Out: TBA. There's too many cool groups to chose from. For now, enjoy the fact that our (then future) president decided along with many other people (who later became important in the government) to make up their own version of the mafia (called Maffie to basically overthrow the empire. One of their members was also my favourite opera singer Ema Destinová. But because Maffie was really more of an organisation, I will try to come up with a better example later on :)

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