Coiled Serpent Item in Curse You | World Anvil

Coiled Serpent

While the serpent never meant anything good in the traditional art, many people found solace in bearing this animal as a symbol, usually in the form of a pendant or other small jewellery, kept somewhere near their heart or close to the ground. While in grand religious paintings sponsored by the church, snake most often symbolises the Fallen or the First himself, to the common people (and in the folklore) it most often signifies second chances, healing and rebirth.  

Coiled Serpent of the Cursed

Various snakes bear a great significance to those who were born under unlucky stars or are otherwise considered to be cursed. Because such people tend to be ostracised by the society, many secret underground networks developed over the centuries as away of support and means for one to blend into the society easier. Different serpents and their shape symbolises different things. The most common is the ouroboros, which serves as a denominator that someone is cursed. It is the symbol of self-destruction and curses do often feel like that.   For example, if the serpent crosses its own body twice while its head is facing down, it means a curse associated with memory. If it faces up, it has something to do with dreams and hallucinations. If the body coils multiple times but does not cross itself it is either the curse of being physically lost (if the coils do not touch one another) or being lost through time. Two snakes braided into one another often signify a hex passed down through generations of one family. And while dark snake indicate magical afflictions, light or pale white snakes often means there is a physical sickness or handicap associated as well.   While the coiled serpent often bears a sad meaning to many, if you are cursed, there is nothing like that feeling of trust and support when you see a snake subtly hidden in the garment of a person you are speaking to. It often means that you can talk freely and for many, it is the only way how to find friends.


Author's Notes

Czech This Out: TBA Meanwhile look at that adorable snake baby in the cover again <3

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