Birthday Tradition / Ritual in Curse You | World Anvil


Birthday in Bohemia is strictly a family business - any gifts, celebrations or other activities associated with one's birth are therefore usually for a very closed circle of people only. If you are not related to a person by blood, by marriage or by some other serious societal bond (for example godparents) you are in no way obligated to attend or buy any presents to the birthday person. Wishing simple "happy birthday" suffices. Insisting on buying a present or being included in someone's special day is considered very rude and is seen as an attempt to buy your way into someone's private life, which means a big taboo. Similarly, asking one's date of birth or their age is considered to be rude as well, when among acquaintances, or on par of saying "I love you." when among close friends or while courting. It shows your intention of including the other person among your family members and/or joining their family as well. The only exception is when it comes to kids: children who are celebrating their birthday and go to school are expected to bring a small gift to everyone in their class (most commonly a bag of candy that is shared by everyone) - but the rule about celebration still applies. The only other kids that are invited to one's birthday celebration are those who are related to the person being celebrated.   When it comes to celebration itself, there is usually some candy, almost always a cake coated with a lot of whipped cream and fresh fruit and some lit candles on top. There is also a pile of anonymous presents somewhere nearby. Because astrology is a popular past time of many, there are certain celebratory activities associated with one's lucky star or the month in which they were born. Astromancers can make quite a fortune just by issuing detailed birthmaps, birthstones or enchanted amulets related to one's celestial sign.

Cover image: lighted candles on cake by Caterina Berger


Author's Notes

Czech This Out: TBA   Also, happy birthday to all those July babies out there! Go eat some ice cream :)

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