The Inhuman Coalition Organization in Corexus | World Anvil

The Inhuman Coalition

The unified nation of inhumans, monsters, and beasts of all kinds looking for a civilized existence free of persecution

Map of The Coalition


While Lord Holdur Vaylkrond founded the nation centuries ago, he has since stepped down from a position of power. The country is now ran by a council, The Inhuman Council, which decides upon the day to day affairs of the country and rules it as one entity.   There are ten core member races of The Inhuman Coalition which make up the majority of its citizenry. These are the races which are permitted to elect representatives onto the ruling body of the Country, the Inhuman Council. They are listed below, alongside their current representatives on the Inhuman Council:  


Representative: Cyrine Faedra   Capital/Home Village: Cirronimbus  


Representative: Syrixa Calliphae   Capital/Home Village: Gorgaza  


Representative: Jugem Oathsworn   Capital/Home Village: Hacaestus  


Representative: Timbletweed Tinkertop   Capital/Home Village: Shinkick  


Representative: Lady Morteria   Capital/Home Village: Festermire  


Representative: Herod Steelspinner   Capital/Home Village: Arachne’s Cradle  

Sea Elves(AKA Merfolk)

Representative: Luka Brineskimmer   Capital/Home Village: Acherin  


Representative: Sumak Lightfoot   Capital/Home Village: Hearthmantle  


Representative: Thumakk Pointyblade   Capital/Home Village: Gylb  


Representative: Dulinya Yellowfur   Capital/Home Village: Shizou-kami

Public Agenda

The Inhuman Coalition was founded upon the notion of providing a home for all inhumans, monsters, and all creatures who face discrimination at the hands of racists, bigots, and those who hunted them like monsters such as The Empire of Draconia. They still strive to provide that protection to all inhumans and monsters and outcasts, and to unite all the scattered monstrous tribes under their banner to give them a place in society. They zealously protect the rights of inhumans and humanoids alike, and have publically declared they will not tolerate any nation or organization which exploits or uses other beings for their own personal gain.   Secondarily, they have sworn to resist the tyrannical advances of The Empire of Draconia, and to push them back to their capital and lay them low.


As they are made up of a dozen or more scattered tribes of monsters, inhumans, and other humanoids such as Lamia, Goblin, Centaurs, Dullahans, Merfolk, Driders, Sanctor, and more, they have many different creatures to call upon in their military and citizenry. They thus have many scattered fortresses, villages, castles, and buildings across the country of dozens of different architectural styles, makeups, and a similar number of weapons and fighting styles. Their unity and diversity is their greatest asset.


Almost no country has as unique nor as interest a beginning and history as The Inhuman Coalition...founded around 500 years ago during a tumultuous time near the beginning of the current Age, the Age of Penitence, The Inhuman Coalition was born during a time during which the various monster and inhuman tribes of the area had been subjected to the almost continuous persecution of other countries such as The Empire of Draconia and The Wild Land and others who exploited them for their lack of central unity and lawless lands, taking the natural resources that dwelt within the ground, mountains, and sea that they lived in and upon.   Stolen from, beaten down, and subjected to almost unending torment during the Age of Warring States for the sake of the other warring nations, the monstrous tribes already had an incredibly negative opinion of other nations, but it was not until a century or so into the Age of Penitence that a figure rose up to unite the scattered tribes against their common foe...not Holdur Vaylkrond, as he would not come around until nearly a century later; This figure was a mature Sanctor woman by the name of Naomi Faedra, a warrior who had grown tired of the eternal persecution and exploitation that the races and their homelands faced at the hands of other nations such as The Empire of Draconia.   Standing up to them, Naomi gathered up her people and rallied what tribes would listen to her for the cause of marching off to war to defend both their livelihoods, homes, families, and ways of life...not all responded to her call, as they would to the call of Holdur Vaylkrond centuries later, but the Lamia of the time - The Alpha Pack which lead all other Lamia in the Area, allied with Naomi and joined her cause...beneath their Matriarch, they slithered off to did the Centaurs, Driders, and the Gnomes, all races which suffered immensely beneath Draconian persecution and sometimes outright butchery. Rallied beneath a common cause and leader, the newly formed "Monster Coalition" beseeched the neighboring country of The Venau Necrocracy for aid, and for any assistance they could give against such a tyrannical and butchering force as Draconia...but, bound to the Elvenwood Treaty which had marked the beginning of the age and unwilling to help what he saw as savages incapable of civilization, Barkhan the Eternal refused their pleas and sent no aid to the beleaguered tribes. It was not until the Dullahan King Van Hawk, better known at the time as "The Doomknight", declared his lord a coward and a failure, rallied his Dullahans, and outright seceded from The Venau Necrocracy, taking almost the entirety of the Dullahan tribesman of the north which had formerly been Barkhan the Eternal's strongest supporters, and marched southwards to pledge his blade and people to Naomi's Cause.   With a true army, the Temporary Coalition formed by Naomi turned its attention and marched towards Draconia with the intent of exacting a terrible revenge on all of its soldiers and citizens for the butchery they had faced until then...   ...And that is exactly what they did. Marching south, Naomi and her coalition, with the support of King Van Hawk and his Dullahan legions, brought the Draconian fortress of Volgarn to heel and ground its gleaming steel walls into powder, flooding into Draconia with the force of a furious war god...time and again, Draconia mustered massive counterattacks against the invading force, but each time Naomi and her hordes managed to beat them back...and in the process, Queen Calliope, the then Matriarch of the Lamia Alpha Pack aiding Naomi, devoured no less the two of Draconia's kings in the span of a two year period, while Naomi herself cut down the last of the El-Draco line in the siege of Jugantum. With three royal kings slain one after the other and the royal bloodline of Draconia thought severed, Draconia crumbled and capitulated to Naomi's invading hordes after a scant four years of war. Though Queen Calliope fell in battle during the final siege of Jugantum, Naomi herself honored her death and took the Draconian throne as its new queen as she declared The Empire of Draconia dissolved, and took command of the newly formed nation she called "The Inhuman Coalition", finally enacting her revenge on the country which had once put her people, and the people of her homeland and all of its inhuman tribes, through so very much.   Naomi ruled the newly formed Coalition as a brutal tyrant for nearly 80 years afterwards, during which time she cruelly put down the firstborn children of Draconia's former citizens once every 20 years as a reminder of their failures and sins...she was hated by the former citizens of Draconia, reviled as a butcherer, but to her own people she was a was not until she began to reach old age that a young boy named Vetera rose and proved himself a true scion of the El-Draco line and led Draconia to open rebellion. Her forces were unable to stop it in time, and Naomi herself was slain by Vetera as Sul-Dracon was retaken, and the Coalition's former armies were pushed back into their homelands during the subsequent years of warfare. After his retaking of Sul-Dracon, Emperor Vetera declared Draconia once again to be founded, and set off to war.   Eventually, Emperor Vetera, once he had pushed them back into the lands of the Modern Day Inhuman Coalition, saw fit to spare them as Holdur Vaylkrond came to the forefront of the conflict and rallied the Monster Tribes once more...but this time, he pushed for peace between the two countries...a deal which the wise Emperor Vetera took, and thus ended the war. Officially founding the Inhuman Coalition in the lands acknowledged to be theirs in the treaty with The Empire of Draconia for the first time since Naomi's declaration of its existence nearly a century prior, Holdur Vaylkrond united the disparate and ravaged tribes and gave them a home in the newly founded nation...even King Van hawk and his Dullahan, now no longer welcome in The Venau Necrocracy, were given a place at his side and in his nation in honor of the trust he had in Naomi.   Thus, while Holdur Vaylkrond founded and is now the face of the country, the country hails Naomi Faedra and all the original tribal leaders, King Van Hawk included, as the true forefathers of the Coalition, even though the country was not formally established until nearly a century after their conquest of Draconia. Though Draconia still decries Naomi herself as a mad queen and a butcherer, almost all citizens of the Coalition see her as a hero of the highest order, who did what had to be done to save her people.

Demography and Population

The population of the Coalition is incredibly diverse and varied, with over a dozen different species and cultures calling the country home. Each of this species and cultures has a different ancestral village and homeland located within the bounds of the country which exists as a sort of Vassal territory to the larger Nation as a whole. These various species are fairly cleanly divided within these various territories, but can found infrequently throughout the country. During the current era, the birth rates have begun to rise and death rates have begun to drop as a result of the peace that has defined it...however, before the current era the population was consumed by unending war and bloodshed with the neighboring country of Draconia, who delighted in purging them as "disgusting inhuman scum".


The Inhuman Coalition, as its name suggests, is made up of lots of smaller territories that belong to the member species that make it up. The lands held by the country once belonged to the tribes that called it home, but were merged into the larger Coalition after the country's founder, Holdur Vaylkrond, unified them beneath his banner and founded the nation.


The Inhuman Coalition has a powerful and incredibly diverse that may not be as overwhelmingly flexible and adaptable as The Venau Necrocracy nor as mighty as that of The Empire of Draconia, but its variety and diversity make it not only flexible, but also powerful in its own right as a force with so many varied tactics, races, weapons, and tools that it is almost impossible to predict. Legions of Centaurs, Goblins, Dullahans, and more can claim mastery of both the Sea, Air, and Ground alike, with the numerous tactics and weapons and tools and absolute unity and brotherhood born of shared strife that they are an unbreakable force in combat, and utterly unable to shake or break their morale.


The Inhuman Coalition has such a variety of races, cultures, and creatures within it, that almost every religion is allowed in its borders to some degree...with the exception of religions such as that of Vvaal, The Bound Obliterator, whose worship is unequivocally inimical to life and reality itself. Dozens of religions and faiths call the country home, and they are mostly welcomed with open arms.

Foreign Relations

The Inhuman Coalition has always had notoriously terrible relations with The Empire of Draconia, and the two countries have warred frequently in the past...the Coalition, to defend their people and citizens from Draconia's brutal hunts to slaughter them, and Draconia, to purge who they saw as creatures not deserving of life.   They have gotten along somewhat well with The Venau Necrocracy to the north, thanks to their shared vision of unity and peace.   With the anarchic nation of The Scar to the east, they have rocky relations as they desire that land for their own use, and have warred against them in the past but have been unable to take it as of yet.   They are sworn enemies with The Wild Lands, and the two countries war and bicker almost constantly...the Orcs of the Wild Lands usually fight simply to kill and slaughter, while the Coalition fights to survive and defend themselves, and hopefully rid the world of who they see as unredeemable brutes.   Finally, though it is technically an independent city-state, the Mountain Dwarven Citadel of Bhen-Badür is close allies with the Coalition thanks to its emphasis on freedom and cultural unity, and the two powers trade and protect each other quite regularly.

Agriculture & Industry

The Inhuman Coalition is both an agricultural and industrial powerhouse, as its numerous member tribes not only hold plenty of fertile farmland, but also sit upon valuable mines, quarries, and other resources that only serve to strengthen the country as a whole once united. They make a large surplus of crops and foodstuffs from both the land and sea, and are famous for their amazing pearls, gemstones, oceanic resources, and ore and mineral mines.

Trade & Transport

The Coalition has no centralized trade or transport network, and the roads and highways can vary in quality and maintenance across its various vassal tribes and territories...though they do exist, their quality cannot be assured. Nonetheless, large wagon trains and caravans move between the territories and nearby nations to keep trade and transport flowing smoothly.


The Coalition is largely made up of tribes and smaller vassal territories and as such public education is not incredibly commonplace, but the country itself makes no efforts to restrict or throttle knowledge or education between different social or economic classes. Most citizens can at least read one language, but that one language is absolute not unified across the population, and is often incredibly varied. Generally, they all at least speak common.

Persecute no one, Unite everyone.

Founding Date
1675 AF
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Coalition, The Bookburners, "The Ick"
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The official currency of The Coalition is the simple three-coin system, which has become so universal it has spread throughout the western continent.
Major Exports
The Coalition exports a great deal of things, ranging from foodstuffs and crops, to fish, pearls, minerals, ores, and other exotic things they receive in trade from the Mountain Dwarven Citadel of Bhen-Badür.
Major Imports
The Coalition has no need to import many crucial resources, but it does import many skilled workers from out east such as Dwarven Masons, builders, and other such skilled workers and materials to support their work on buildings and other infrastructure. They also import a small degree of food and other random materials, but mostly for the morale of their citizens.
Legislative Body
The Inhuman Council is the main legislative body of the Coalition, made up of elected representatives of each of the main member species that make up the country's majority citizenry.
Judicial Body
The main judicial body of the Coalition is "The Runoff", another body of elected officials that can be elected regardless of race or social standing that is responsible for judging and making rulings on matters of laws laid down by the Inhuman Council. They cannot normally outright refuse the laws of The Inhuman Council, with the only exception being a special clause known as the "Apocalypse Clause", where they may refuse and reject an order or law laid down by the Inhuman Council(Or make one of their own), at the cost of every member of the Runoff being let go from their positions and removed from power. It requires a unanimous vote to enact.
Notable Members


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