Corvid Code Language in Chronicles of Solia | World Anvil
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Corvid Code

Just as The Raven Feathers are used to mark territory in Thaimi, they are used to communicate between operatives of the Brotherhood of Light. Known as the Corvid Code, the iconography and symbols of the feathers carry a special meaning to those trained in reading it.   The Corvid Code originated within the intelligence-gathering arm of the Brotherhood, who used the feathers to guide each other and indicate places of significance. When the Brotherhood was destroyed, the operatives turned to the Code to arrange safe houses and places to leave information for one another without putting themselves or others at risk.   The Code continues to evolve throughout the modern age, adapting to meet the demands placed upon the Brotherhood's operatives. It has grown to include coloration and nuance. Certain colors indicate the presence of spellcasters or threats within the organization itself, while the placement of feathers within groups indicates the presence of rank or authority.   Feathers are to always viewed as if looking at them from the convex (top) side. Recent developments have started to represent the feathers inverted as if viewing them from the concave (bottom) side; this is not yet widely accepted throughout the brotherhood, but it is meant to represent an operative, safehouse, or ally that is no longer effective or of use.

Geographical Distribution

The Corvid Code is used exclusively in Thaimi, in the Magocracy of Ezir.


The Corvid Code has no spoken words, existing only in physical form as raven feathers or a pictographic representation.


A single raven's feather represents that an agent of the Brotherhood operates within the area, which can be anywhere from a few blocks to an entire district. Two feathers indicate the presence of a Brotherhood cell, and typically are found in the back alleys of the undercity, away from the scrutiny of the War Pig patrols. Three raven feathers mark the presence of a safehouse or trusted contact, somewhere or someone that the operatives of the Brotherhood can trust.   A pair of crossed feathers, either as a marking or a talisman, represent danger and conflict, a warning for all operatives to stay clear of the indicated area while multiple crossed feathers indicate a location that operatives of the Brotherhood have died due to direct threats.   A feather can serve as a directional indicator: if the calamus is sharpened toward the posterior vane, it indicates the direction the quill is pointing. A sharpened calamus toward the anterior vane serves to warn the viewer against the indicated direction. This becomes especially obvious in iconographic representations of the raven's feather(s), which are often drawn in subtle ways.
Root Languages
A single feather, indicating the presence of an operative.
Two feathers, indicating the presence of a cell.
Three feathers, indicating the presence of a safe house. Directional indicator pointing behind the reader/viewer.
A feather cut to direct the viewer to the left.
A feather cut to direct the viewer to the right.
Crossed feathers, indicating danger in the area.
Three crossed feathers, indicating an operative has died in the area.

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