Sam'yra Character in Cathrea | World Anvil


The Peacekeeper of Earth

Credits: ecl1psed

Earthmother Sam'yra

The Goddess of Earth

The primal of all of nature. She loves and adores animals.

Divine Domains

Earth, Protection, Nature, Wilderness, Plant, Animal, Community

Holy Books & Codes

Currently, there are three religious and four magical books known to mankind.


  • Holy Mother Earth
  • The Earthen Prefrences
  • Stories of Nature


  • Earths Principles
  • Advanced Support Magic (Earthen Element)
  • Advanced Attack Magic (Earthen Element)
  • Supporting Earthen Expertise

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Followers of Sam'yra celebrate the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the Third Blessing every year since the Third Blessing is the month of earth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sam'yra strives to keep the peace between natures kingdom and the intelligent inhabitants.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is a thicker woman with vines all over her body. Additionally she can morph parts of her body or her whole body into any earth related shape.

Facial Features

Sam'yra has two small pointy horns peeking out of the hair on her forehead. Aside from that, she has brown eyes and slight green lips.

Specialized Equipment

She uses a natural looking tree branch with unknown minerals on both ends as a ranged magic staff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sam'yra was, since her birth, closely working as a goddess that puts nature first. Even though she was a slave for Aagdar and her siblings, she loved her job, taking better care of her domain than any of the others ever could. After the events that led up to The Fall of the Primals, she took the initiative to create four of the eight planets of the Avemoorian Solar System.

Accomplishments & Achievements

On the four planets she primarily created, she rules over all mountains, mines, trees and partially the animals that inhabit the lands.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is a very smart goddess. She does not like to be praised much so she mostly does her good deeds without anyone noticing.


Contacts & Relations

She has ties to all animal folk and her fellow primal gods.

Family Ties

Social Aptitude

Sam'yra is a very charismatic and polite figure. She is well spoken and is not a resentful person


She is a person one can have a good conversation with as long as one only has the best intentions in mind. She can turn into a real problem for one if not politely spoken to.

Hobbies & Pets

Sam'yras pet "Ina" is a primarily red bird that can activate above average spells by singing. Although they can not be offensive spells, they can play a supporting role.
"Nature will guide you to your destiny"
Divine Classification
Primal God
Date of Birth
12th of Third Blessing, 100000 BFP
Year of Birth
100000 BAP 101642 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Parents (Adopting)
Dark Brown, trees
long brown, branches
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by ecl1psed


Author's Notes

My first primal god. I was really excited writing this. If you have any changes that you think would fit this article, don't hesitate to leave a comment

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