Low Markets Settlement in Broken Haven | World Anvil

Low Markets

Located to the east of the Grand Bizarre and the Docks Low Markets is home to many merchants and crafters; the district is dotted with small street markets selling everyday goods needed by the average citizen of Port Kolin.
Beyond the everyday market stalls, Low Markets is known for its street food vendors, many a traveling noble or diplomat visit the culturally diverse streetfood vendors as a top priority. Good spots for food stalls is hotly contested; it rarely comes to blows but sabotage isn't unheard of.
In the evening, Low Market's second main attraction becomes more readily accessible: gambling dens. If you know the right people or know where to go and can show enough gold, there are gambling dens throughout the district, from common games of chance to games of skill and if you know where to look, physical contests for spectators to place a wager on the outcome.
In recent years, Low Markets has also become the home of a political movement driving for an elected council to run each district; Kothrel Segindr, the vocal leader of this movement, has been gaining significant support in other districts, pointing out that their king hasn't even been seen in the city for years, and Lord Krondar, though capable, knowns little of each district's issues.
His main political argument is for local district councils to run the day-to-day, voted for by the district's residents. This would ensure that the needs of each district are at the heart of the local council, with some oversight from the city council.     LOCATIONS: Mox's Goods
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