Æjala Organization in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Æjala (aijaːla)

Ælic: Þered /θɛːɾɛt/
Æjala is one of the three countries of the Þjaric Elves in northwestern Jælondis, located in northwestern Þjaris between the Niþvú Sea to the west and Þjan Tundra to the north, Jolþ beyond the river Njalpaða to the south and Ælea on the other side of Þlónó Lake to the east.
Its main cities are the capital of Ænla in the Harhitó Hills to the southeast and Inaþis at the coast of Niþvú Sea to the east, the latter serving as a center of marine trade for all of Þjaris.
Æjala is particularly known for its literature, fine bentwood- and birchbark containers, wooden sculptures, instruments (particularly lyres) and -more recently- various crystal-powered devices such as phones, cameras, TVs and computers which, while usually not as powerful as those from many other countries, are more compact and often feature a sleek design. However, the latter tend to be overshadowed by devices produced by Laræn-Taþvún Group, a major corporation in Jolþ.
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