Lappalingur Author's page | World Anvil



Dagur | Member Since 15 Dec, 2017
10 Followers 313892 Page views 89 Likes

I've been worldbuilding via drawings and writing for fun since I was a kid, but only began doing so in an organized manner nearly two decades ago.
Much of my work is based on notes in my native tongue, Icelandic, and I generally try not to deviate too much from the original names for different species, cultures, regions etc. when anglicizing them here, which includes preserving some of the Icelandic letters.
The original names are usually found in the footnotes; for pronunciation guide, check this out.
Also, I'm on the autism spectrum.

Interests & Hobbies

Drawing, reading, history, anthropology, animals, paleontology, religion, mythology and folklore...anything but sports and cars.

Favorite Writers

J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Pratchett, ElĂ­ Freysson, Margit Sandemo, Christian Cameron, Brandon Sanderson.

Favorite Games

The Sims- Elder Scrolls- and Civilization series, Spyro the Dragon, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Titan Quest, Zeus: Master of Olympus, Age of Mythology, lots of adventure games (even though I'm terrible at them) and many others.