Nal'Draken Bloodrage Character in Blood of The Ly'eath | World Anvil

Nal'Draken Bloodrage

As told by Nal'Draken, himself.

Prince of Eldrishire, Prince of Vhulyn, Murderer of Cu Cullain, and Son of Narbuk and Eldraine Alucard Van Richten Bloodrage (a.k.a. Madness-Kin, Demon, Murderer, Crook, Lover, Pureblood, and Cursed Blood)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I might have used the Rune a Might a few to many times, so I'm forever muscular. I'm not like five foot wide of pure muscle, but I'm pretty lean compared to some. So other than that, I had a cold when I was like four or five.

Body Features

Before the Metamorphisis, I was known to, and still do sometimes, not wear a shirt underneath my pugilist coat. Some people even came up to me and like the way I walked, gosh what did they say, oh I remember, "You have the most confident walk I've seen!"
I also had my body littered in runes and etchings, much like my missed Healing Rune I had on my neck. Or my Rune of Might, which I had on my right shoulder.   After the Metamorphisis though, I grew horns, a pair of wings, my body went from the nice Tan that it was into a pitch midnight black, much like my eyes did. I teeth became more feral and beastly, much like my appetite did that day as well. Did you know I ate a person that day? I know right, I was just like, "What the hell?!"
But after the Metamorphisis, I was changed and embarked on a new path. I lost my Runes with the Metamorphisis as well.

Facial Features

Like I said before I grew horns on my head, which were hard to hide, but I found a way to do it and my teeth became more animalistic.

Identifying Characteristics

The wings, horns, tail, skin, pretty much everything that happened during the Metamorphisis can pick me out of a crowd pretty quick. Unless I teleport or fly here and there, but you don't need to know about that till later.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

I tend to be perceived as a guy, which is good, it's what I want to be perceived as in public so I mainly go with my pronouns He/Him.


I tend to swing with boys and girls. Usually my types range from brunettes to the black, blonde, blue, hell even violet hair has drawn me close. This goes for both men or women.
I don't usually fall for the generalized "Dream Woman" that most of the men I've met go for.


I got my education at the Academy of Particular Children, a private school that my parents absolutely loved. I learned all that I needed there, as well as a few textbooks about various topics. Even got my hand into some, let's say "Classified" information for reasons I will not discuss.
After school though, I learned the ways of battle by Cu Cullain, or the Hound of Ulser, who was my personal fighting instructor. Once I was done with fighting, I was tutored by Caine in the ways of magick.
After the Metamorphisis though, I was taught by Melisandres, the Ly'eath of Madness, and a royal pain in my rear, in the Eldritch ways. I was shown how to use the weird gifts he gave me, and what to do with them. He taught me some Eldritch-tainted spells, like my mother, and gave me bits of information about him and his brethren.


Before the Metamorphisis, I worked with Cu Cullain part-time and fought in either tavern-brawls or in the arena where most of my coin was won.
The battles in the arena, were not battles to the death, or at least the ones that I got weren't. Anyway after the fights at the various venues, I volunteered at one of the local medics when I was twelve, but that training was mostly me pouring bowls of either hot soup, or coffee to the patients if need be.
Before Metamorphisis made with Heroforge by LordGalakrond
After Metamorphisis made with Heroforge by LordGalakrond
Date of Birth
3rd of Zarri, 284 AC
Current Residence
Deep Violet before Metamorphisis, Pitch Black with Emerald Speckles after Metamorphisis.
Shoulder length dirty blonde with hints of purple before Metamorphisis, Pine after Metamorphisis
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan almost pale before Metamorphisis, Midnight Black after Metamorphisis.
5' 10'' before Metamorphisis, 6' 5'' after
195 lbs
Known Languages
So I know a little bit of the Eldritch language, not like my mother who came from the ancient settlement, a few words in daemon, and well our language that we're currently speaking in.


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Dec 23, 2021 08:41 by Diane Morrison

I like the snarky tone of your character here. I find myself wondering what caused the metamorphosis? That isn't explained and must have been quite a shock to the guy.

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.