Zezig Settlement in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"Zezig is the Olde Dromish word for Magic. This place literally means, City of Magic. It's reputation is replete with tales of mystifying magics, powerful displays archmagics, and even the creation of several new 9th-level spells. All things magical can be found here. It's seeped into every part of life in Zezig. Magical pets, automated homes, and even magical mass teleportation transit system. It is also known as the land of books. The greatest wizarding schools and masters make their abodes here.." - from this journals Old Jass


The city is 60% humans, 20% blue Tiefling (from the pact) and 10% Sun Elf. The final 10% is a highly cosmopolitan mixture of everything you can think of.


The city of Zezig is independent from the rest of the Dromish nation, rules by single Mageocratically President-Magus. Only citizens can vote and only spellcasters can be citizens. The rest of those who have made Zezig their home are called the adum, it's olde Elvish for travelers. It's a derogative term which implies those without such abilities are merely visitors in their own homes. The current President-Magus is Esme Forthos of the Arclight Brotherhood.     It is customary for the President-Magus to be the head of a notable organization. As such, the President-Magus' organization forms what's known as the Affiliate Government, assuming the highest appointments in the civil service. Of course, this is often an extremely fortuitous event for the benefiting organization who can institute legislation and award lucrative projects which benefit themselves greatly.   Of the Arclight Brotherhood, there are a few notable figures in this government.
  • Mei To, a spellforger of considerable renown, known for creating the spell Mei's Mantle of Control, a powerful elemental control device. They are responsible for operations.
  • Sentra, arcano druid, replicating Druidic abilities with arcane power. They are responsible for advancement and trade.
  • Theodore Whitecoat. An olde school magus. Studied and loves fine brews. He is responsible for war as he had lived through the Age of Darkness.
  • Plagerism is a capital crime
  • Sapient Chattle are not recognized as alive and have no rights. There is some dissent at this fact.


Zezig employs three main defenses. First, are the Magi-Adept. They are the only known soldiering organization in the world in which every member is at least a modest spell-caster. They are equipped with magical infusions and are trained to choose the right tools for the right situations. They also have anti-magic grenades which can temporarily disable magical constructs, items, and spells within an area. With a considerable magical item arsenal, these adaptable troops can deploy heavy weapons, infantry, sentry, and any other type of attack or defense required for virtually any situation.   The second defense are the Lancers, a two man flying vessel of sleek design. They tend to operate in several groups, are very fast, and highly maneuverable. One operator is responsible for flying while the second mans the Artro-Cannon, a force-base ranges attack.   The final defense are the walls themselves, constructed of hard stone, they can magically be compelled to grow higher, and can even enclose the city within a protective dome.

Industry & Trade

As the most arcanically advanced city in the world, much of the industry here is related to that. A high regard is put on the production of intellectual property in the form of patents on magical items, new spell architecture, and the crafting of high quality implements for magical enchanting. There is also a bustling trade guild which imports and exports a tremendous amount of goods. For obvious reasons, their arcane exports are in high demand around the world.


The roads of Zezig are paved and clean, kept that way by roving golems which serve the city.

Water from the ocean fills the canals of the city. Those same canals bring drinkable water (made so by magical purification runes on the walls of the canals) and make for convenient travel within the large city. They are miles deep, made so to prevent flooding. Sometimes things have been discovered living in those depths.

Guilds and Factions

Zezig is an active place with many groups and factions vying for a piece of the very lucrative markets available here. However, some of the more notable organizations are:
  • The Medusa Counsel, who were an elite organization of radical magical thought but are recently disbanded when Dresden Proudmoore was expelled by the President-Magus for treason.
  • Farden Trading Consort. Corp. Run by some of the oldest money in Droheim, it's hard to think of any family business being more influential on Dromish society and politics.
  • Parasol Corp, (a wholly owned subsidiary of Globoco Solutions Incorporated, experimenting with arcanano technologies).
  • Arclight Brotherhood. They are an arcanic traditionalist organization who happens to be lead by the current President-Magus and therefore are also in control of the government.
  • Drizza Cartel, a group of black market entrepreneurs who band together for mutual protection and are led by a half-giant woman named Omi. In secret, she is dissecting and studying a Sedashan Bard known as Ieko, trying to learn how to travel to other worlds and bring back new technology. 


Zezig is extremely old and was founded by ancient humans. They were former druids who were outcast by the Sun-Elves for daring to attempt the arcane. With a bitter taste for druidism, the wizards of Zezig became grande architects, scholars, philosophers, and practitioners.


Stone and metal are used in most larger buildings, with stone and wood for smaller ones. The buttresses and pinnacles found on gothic architecture are commonplace here.


District: Adumnasia (district comprised of non-casters. A friendly, tightly packed location)
  • Pillow Trove (entertainment and brothel operated remotely by Madame V, staff take on an image in your mind)
  • Solestress Temple (Sun worship temple of old Elvish design. Tended to by Vessa Lightbringer.)
District: North Docktown (a bustling trading port with an intense rivalry with south docktown).
  • Il-Mortis (containment of wizardly prisoners and those infected with Hellbite. The Warden is Sim-Pell
District: South Docktown (a bustling trading port very similar to North Docktown, with whom there is an intense rivalry).
  • Naylor Junctical
District: West Docktown (the richest, most hoity-toity of the docktowns. The wealthiest live here.)
  • Farden Trading Consrt. Corp.
  • Goodwins Bank
District: the Managerie (powerful wizard towers and the most important places are found here. It's eloquent and opulent).
  • Arclight Keep
  • Auratoria
  • House of Whispers
  • Tower Graysong
District: the Wood (proliferated with libraries and writes, more shops in one place you'll not find anywhere else)
  • Blue Arcanomica
  • Screaming Loft
  • Scriptonomica
Cerberus Isle (a monolithic obelisk tower pushing up through the rushing ocean like an ominous black finger)

Natural Resources

Droheim's location is auspiciously rich in minerals, metals, and gems, all relevant components in arcanic study. However, the ever growing hunger for more magic makes even these bountiful resources inadequate to meet demand.
Alternative Name(s)
land of books
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Owning Organization
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