Shaewaters Geographic Location in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"The Shaewater Sea is a massive inland body of fresh water, which is core to a massive trade network connected to the various rivers which feed into the Shaewater Sea. The peoples of this area are predominately Halfling and everyone here knows how to sail. The primary religion in the region is of Bane, god of war. Bane(character) came to the forefront of Shae worship during the age of darkness, when northern Dromish wizards experimented with shadow magics and tore holes into the Shadowfell. From out of those holes armies of Lycanthropes spilled into Droheim before flooding southward, breaking through the wall and spreading to their southern neighbours which included the Shaewaters. At the time, the minor cult of Bane reinvented themselves into the Silver Legion and fought to break back the lycans. These Legionaries adorned themselves with armour and weapons of silver and were effective." - from the journals of Old Jass


The Shaewater sea is the largest inland sea in the world. It's also freshwater. Large portions of the sea are shallow enough that a halfling would only be waist high in it. The central portion of the sea is much deeper, unfathomably deep and is home to terrifying monsters which live in depths unattainable without magics or invention.    Halflings are the native race of the Shaewater and have a strong naval tradition. The surface of the sea is often shrouded in a mysterious fog which most believe is alive and malicious, said to drown crews who offend it by not adhering to superstitions. While there's been no proof of the fog's maleficence, there are plenty of documented cases of ships sailing into port without a crew, or sometimes with a single stark raving mad sailor who is said to be have been spared to deliver the fog's terrible warning.
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