Sedashan Mages Organization in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Sedashan Mages

"Most are quick to despise the Titanium Dwarf and Dragonkin for their wanton destruction of the Ruins of Sedas, but I see it differently. The Sedashan Bard had such wonderful magic, but it was alien magic. They were not of Estoria or even of our world of Exandria. They were refugees from a distant realm called Equinox, a land of both perpetual night and perpetual light. It was torn apart by the conflicts of their peoples. Conflicts which were dealt with by magic that appeared subtle but was capable of tremendous disaster. It was said Sedashan Mages could bring down an entire Kingdom with only a single phrase. Their spells were pernicious, they grew and twisted like a virus, gaining momentum until what was merely a mote of magic was a maelstrom of arcane devastation that could snuff out entire worlds. No. I don't blame the Titanium Dwarf or the Dragonkin. Faced with that kind of power, I, too, would seek to destroy it as potently as I possibly could, without prejudice, without hesitation." - From the journals of Old Jass .


An example of the true power can be found by seeking out the Vision of the Weavers of Death

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