Drifeyer Organization in Arregeas | World Anvil
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Drifeyer is a small, ancient queendom in the southwest of Arregeas. Its population consists of mainly elves and dwarves but there are also a few humans. Its capital, Viëndyr, is known for being a melting pot of different cultures, and hosts people from all over Arregeas. Drifeyer is renowned for combining elvish and dwarfish culture to a perfect blend. Drifeyer was the first realm to do this and therefore end the conflicts between elves and dwarves, at least in their area.


There is a female monarch ruler and a council of advisors. The Monarch is always elvish but the council has both elves and dwarves, as well as Bàhyir.
There is also a royal court but these people aren't usually of royal blood, except if they're relatives of the Queen. Instead, these people are ambassadors, political and foreign culture experts, translators, historians, astronomers, especially powerful magic users, the most esteemed of merchants and the royal judges.
There are workers and peasants but because of the flourishing trade with other nations and the prosperity of Drifeyer, they make good money selling their goods and can live fulfilling lives. Poverty is basically non-existent because the Cup of Prosperity makes crops grow even in bad years and during the winter.
All work is valued in Drifeyer, workers aren't looked down upon, they are appreciated, but it still holds true that residents of the royal palace and those nearby usually have a higher education and are more involved in international affairs, such as import and export. They are also a lot more often found in handling money or the law.



  The blend of elvish and dwarfish culture has brought forth a new form of art, that combines the stone carvings and sculptures of the dwarves with the fine seashell mosaics and sculptures of the elves. It involves installations and statues hewn from stone with the finest coatings of mother of pearl ornaments and coral mosaic inlays in all of Arregeas. It has found a lot of love and critical acclaim internationally. Drifeyer is also famous for its dressmaking, again combining elvish and dwarfish craftsmanship.


Drifeyan music involves a lot of instrumental music made with barley-pipes to mimic the sound of the sea, harp, horn and drums. In the vocal department they use deep humming sounds and chanting as well as lyrics usually sung in a higher, lighter voice. Duets of the typical deep voices of the dwarves and the light voices of the elves are very popular too. There is also a genre that only uses humming and chanting without lyrics but with elvish and dwarfish voices that makes for an excellent sound range.


Drifeyer likes to use mother of pearl, corals and sandstone for their official buildings as well as actual seashells. Of course, there are also houses made from stone and wood and houses on stelts in the water, which is more commonly dwarfish and elvish respectively, but as with everything, Drifeyer has found a hybrid form, that involves sturdy walls and fundaments made by exquisite dwarfish craftsmanship and domed or rainbow roofs made from fine elvish materials with skylights, mosaics, mother of pearl or coral inlays. The buildings also commonly have a rough earthy basement. There are also houses built on the shores that extend onto the water. The stone walls are often adorned with intricate dwarfish carvings and tend to have large cone shaped windows. Parts of housing on the water feature a lot of mother of pearl, coral, glass and sand stone.


There are two major sports, one involves diving for a special plant, the other climbing mountains blindfolded.

Public Agenda

Maintaining peaceful relations to other countries, staying prosperous and trading goods to accomplish that.


Agricultural goods, ships and boats, military troops, two major cities, mother of pearl and silver are the main assets of Drifeyer.


The Drifeyan Meadows were largely untouched until the first dwarves settled in the mountains and the sea elves came down from the north. For a long time both species lived there without knowing of each other's existence until the sea elves came ashore and started living more on the land than in the water. The dwarves too, in need of more agricultural land, for their population was rapidly growing, came down from the mountains and advanced into the meadows.
First contact occured not long after that and in the beginning there was a lot of hostility and many fights broke loose. The leaders of the respective species agreed to split Drifeyer, which wasn't known by that name then, down the middle.
However, elves and dwarves often disregarded those borders, which led to many conflicts. These mainly were about rights to the river and access to the woods.
But not all elves and dwarves were hostile towards each other. In certain places their cultures started intermingling and a collective culture started to grow in these small regions. While conflict in the major parts of the meadows was getting more and more out of hand, these small communities got more and more tight knit and to them it soon didn't matter anymore if someone was elvish or dwarfish. Language started to develop so they could understand each other and their architectural, musical and artistic styles as well as their cuisine started to take inspiration from each other.
When the inevitable war came that was supposed to end all conflicts over boarders and rights to the river and forest areas, these communities refused to fight. After the war that brought many losses and few gains for both sides, these communities were the leaders that put down the groundwork for what would later become known as the Queendom of Drifeyer.
From time to time there are still tensions between dwarves and elves, which, in the past, have led to civil wars, six of them to be exact.

Demography and Population

Drifeyer is famously inhabited by elves and dwarves who consider themselves to be one people. Drifeyer is the exemplary nation to look toward when discussing cohbitation of different species with almost contrary life styles.
Drifeyer is home to about 85'000 native people, with about 50% (42'500) of the population living in the capital city Viëndyr. In addition to that, Viëndyr is home to about 25'000 foreigners, most of them students and merchants. They come from all over Arregeas and include humans, other elves and dwarves, centaurs, avians and even your occasional Goblin.
In the native population Dwarves make up the biggest part of the population, with around 58% or around 49'300 individuals, elves make up around 40% of the population with around 34'000 individuals and 2%, or around 1'700 individuals are Human and consider themselves as drifeyans.
The elves, naturally, make up the oldest part of the population, since they have enormous lifespans that are said to be infinite. Dwarves, who have a lifespan of around 370-500 years, are in the middle of the age demographics and humans with a life expectancy of around 60 years make up the youngest part of the population.
Because of the long lifespans of the elves and dwarves, birth and death rates are very low. The humans are an exception, but many see themselves seperate from other drifeyans.


Drifeyer ranges from Harbour Bay in the west to the Silver Slopes in the east. The mountain range cuts Drifeyer off from other lands, except for a narrow valley where the Feyr Wàmàr is flowing through.


Drifeyer does employ military forces, but their main purpose is guarding city gates, official buildings and overseeing imported (and exported) goods to make sure no illegal goods are being brought into the land. They are also stationed on the eastern border in the mountains to fend off plunderers who liked to attack ships in the past.
Anyr, the religious capital, is also heavily guarded, seeing how it is a beloved tourist destination and many elderly people live there.

Technological Level

While not as technologically advanced as the south, Drifeyer is still on a relatively high technological level, even though magic is the dominating force in the country. In recent years the development of magical technology has soared in Drifeyer though and they are beginning to integrate it in daily life.


Drifeyans mainly practice Spirit Worship and their religious capital, Anyr, is an important destination for followers of the religion outside of Drifeyer.
Before Spirit Worship was adopted, the sea elves were worshipping a pantheon of drowned sea gods, but few remember that and even fewer still honour them. The dwarves used to pray to a single goddess they called their creator and the heart of the mountain and her Mountain Spirits, which are her servants and ministers. This goddess and her spirits are still worshipped in Pyktyrr, but most dwarves in Drifeyer have taken to worshipping Nendàa, the spirit of mountains and the earth. However, many of the mountain spirits were integrated into Spirit Worship and even the mountain goddess is regarded by some as a regional spirit.
An important thing to note is that there are laws connected to Spirit Worship: Certain spaces at sea, in the meadows and in the mountains are sacred to the spirits and cannot be entered, doing so is punishable by banishment.

Foreign Relations

Drifeyer, with it's bustling trade and flourishing economy, as well as its crucial geographic location, has many international relations, as they allow shipments to be brought up via their port and the river that runs through the entire country.
Drifeyer's three main allies are Deya, Hatnar and Pyktyrr, but they also have a close alliance with Kaat because Anyr is such an important destination for spirit worshippers. Because of its geographic location Drifeyer has some kind of arrangement with pretty much every western nation though.

Agriculture & Industry

Drifeyer, with its ever prosperous meadows, is a big agricultural power, the most influential one in the western parts of Arregeas. They are big on growing barley, millet, buckwheat, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkins, radishes and many different fruit like apples, pears, peach, oranges and grapes.
They also have a business in mining, although they're not such a big player in that field. They mine silver and precious stones.

Trade & Transport

Trade is usually done by sea and river. Drifeyer mainly trades its agricultural goods but there is also a growing artistic business, they export their gowns and fine silver-, mother of pearl- or coral work.


There is a public education which is mandatory, as well as higher education for those who wish to become scholars or meddle in international affairs, money, law or science. Philosophy is also held in high regards and there is a special school designed for it. There are also apprenticeships for jobs that require more practical than theoretical work.
Most important of all is Karmiril, the university for magic arts in Viëndyr, which is the top school for aspiring magic users in all of Arregeas.


The main city, Viëndyr has an extensive sewer system and a road network that connects it to Anyr and the more rural locations . The main travelling route, however, is the river that crosses Drifeyer from east to west. Many travel by boat and ship and owning a boat is almost as common as owning a horse.
There are 3 large bridges crossing the river.
Viëndyr has high walls on the sides that face away from the sea to protect against intruders.


  • Anyr
    A map of Anyr, the silent city.
  • Drifeyer
    A close up-map of Drifeyer with all the cities, towns and villages.
  • Viëndyr
    A detailed map of the entire city of Viëndyr, the capital of Drifeyer, plus its surrounding regions.
Founding Date
7277736 UTD
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Land of Prosperous Meadows
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Their currency is called Ybenu or Divine Ybenu (but no one really calls it that).
They use coins made from glass that gets smoothed in the sea. There are 5 different sizes and shapes, the smallest have the highest value because their refinement takes a lot of skill and time. There are 0.10.-, 1.-, 10.-, 100.- and 1000.- Ybenu Coins.
Major Exports
Their main export is agricultural goods such as barley, millet and buckwheat. But they also export silver, gemstones and mother of pearl as well as coral.
Major Imports
Drifeyer imports many fabrics and goods such as lumber and certain building materials as well as gold and rare gemstones.
Legislative Body
Laws are written by the Queen and her Council, new laws need a council majority vote to be passed.
Judicial Body
There are royal judges that live in the royal palace who judge those who break the law.
Executive Body
The Queen.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Related Plots





Friendly, Trading Partners


Non-aggression pact, Trading Partners, Neutral


Non-aggression pact, strained



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