Euhukoa Geographic Location in Arbressian | World Anvil


Previously a massive connected continent, Euhukoa now consists of eight large islands and a few smaller ones. Seven of the eight large islands float in the sky, getting higher up the further east they are located. The entire continent is ruled by the Euhukoa Empire and Empress Irixis.

Fauna & Flora

Although much of the wildlife was destroyed in The Cataclysm of Arbressian, it has since recovered and become something new. With the proximity to the plane of air as well as rifts and portals opening up now and then and allowing creatures to enter, the fauna of Euhukoa is varied and quite special. It seems strange that so many peculiar beasts could live in the same location, especially so far above sea level but there is still magic keeping the continent full of life.   There are quite many flying animals that are very rare anywhere else in the Prime Material of Arbressian. For example, flying monkeys have their home in many of the woods and mountains on the islands. Tressyms, winged cats, are also common here and incredibly rare in the wild in other areas of Arbressian. Though considered monstrosities rather than natural beasts, tressyms have thrived in Euhukoa and are as much part of the ecological system as any animal. Hippogriffs are common both in the wild and as domesticated beasts. There is a quite large population of giant eagles in the wild as well.   With the vast amount of uninhabited nature of dense forests and big mountains, there is a lot of space for mega fauna to develop and make homes for themselves. Giant elks, giant boars, giant goats and so on are common in the wilderness and can be very dangerous if they feel threatened.   As for plants there is a large variety of those as well. Deciduous trees are mostly on the lower islands in the wild and coniferous trees cover a large portion of the higher islands, but both can be found anywhere in the continent.    There are rumours about plants with magical properties growing deep in forests or caverns but not many can venture that deep into the wilds and live to tell the tale.
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