Trixie Ackers-Baker Character in Another Day in Paradise | World Anvil
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Trixie Ackers-Baker

Trixie lifted her nose in the air as the tendrils of rot rolled in. She knew that smell... That's the smell that made her pack anxious, and they brought out their loud bang-bangs. Trixie's lip curled up and a soft growl grew in her throat. She moved into position, directly in front of Meghan, preparing to help the young girl take out their adversaries.
  Trixie was born in 2021, parented by a labradoodle named Popcorn and a boxer named Gruff. She was one of five adorable puppies who were healthy and hale, but unfortunately, they were unwanted. The people who owned Trixie's mother boxed up the puppies when they were about six weeks old and dumped them in a small wooded lot near Ocala, Florida.   Luckily for Trixie and her siblings, a group of kids were playing in that lot on that day, and one of the children, Cole, took one of the puppies home with him. Upon discovering the baby dog, Cole's parents went to collect the other four puppies and contacted Animal Control, and the puppies were sent to the pound for adoption.   While staying at the animal shelter, Trixie was attacked by another dog. She was patched up by the shelter vets, but it delayed her adoption and left her nervous around other dogs. This became apparent after being adopted by Kelley and her husband, who already had two dogs and several cats.   Kelley recognized that there were issues between Trixie, Shelby, and Griffin, but was very reluctant to send her back to the pound - she was such a good dog. Smart, obedient, and loyal, Trixie needed a home not a shelter for wayward pups. She remembered she had an old friend from high school whose dog had recently passed and she was looking for a new one.   Just like that, Trixie had her forever home.  
Trixie Wants Food by Midjourney
  Jeri Ackers and her kids fell instantly in love with Trixie and immediately began taking her everywhere with them. Jeri wanted to take Trixie with them to the range as well, so they took a trip to the vet to discuss how they could do that without harming Trixie's ears. Luckily for the family, Trixie's vet was also a gun enthusiast who was already working on modified high-tech ear cans for dogs that muffled high-decibel noises like gunshots while allowing lower-decibel noises to be heard.   The family had just gotten Trixie outfitted to join them at the range when the unthinkable happened and Meghan lost her sight. Meghan was devastated, as most of her hobbies, like her art, were taken from her. Jeri decided that sight be damned, she would still teach her blind daughter how to shoot - only with Trixie as her eyes. She put a notice on the range bulletin board looking for trainers and struck gold when she found Guillermo Ruiz, an NRA instructor who was also a dog trainer.  
Trixie didn't quite understand what her packmaster had put on her head. It felt weird. She shook her head trying to get it off, but to no avail. She did notice the bang-bangs were a lot quieter than the last time she was here - it was so terrifying then. Maybe the thing on her head made them quiet. She just wished it didn't feel so strange! She gave her packmaster a lick on the hand to let her know it was going to be okay.
  The group is currently perfecting the training at the action area of the range, which is reserved twice a week for the group. Trixie leads Meghan with the harness through the course and taps Meghan's legs with her tail to indicate where to aim. The hardest part of the training was the height of the shot, but over time this was honed by the pair, and Mehan and Trixie were just about to start entering competitions again when the shit hit the fan.   But that is a story for a different day...
3 years
Ocala, Florida
Barrel Chest
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan and White
75 lb

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Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


Author's Notes

9/21/23 - I am not very proud of this article yet, I know there is a lot of editing to do and while I like the use of her POV I feel like it could be a lot better. I don't really feel as if I have captured her spirit. I also know I have a lot of misusage of passive voice and some punctuation errors, as well as wordy sentences and all that jazz. This article does not yet do Trixie justice. It doesn't even mention the origin of her name yet - an error that will be fixed asap. I put it off until the last minute due to my health and while I am not yet proud of the article, I am glad I got the bones up and submitted in time to participate in the Treasured Companions event.

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Sep 21, 2023 18:40 by Chris L

What a good dog and what an interesting way to train her. Ocala, FL is an hour north of me! Are we in the same state??

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Sep 21, 2023 21:13

Trixie is based on my real dog and I got her in Ocala from an old high school friend, like the story reads. I don't know her true origin - definitely not labradoodle coz Trixie sheds like crazy :D   I think if you are an hour south of Ocala you are probably to the west of me by about an hour. Let's just say I have been shaking my fist at Elon Musk and Space X for rattling my windows twice a week now with launches LOL (just kidding and exaggerating... I am all for it, I just wish they wouldn't wake me up sometimes!!)

Sep 21, 2023 19:21

This was pretty good! I liked the boxes with Trixie's point of view. Also, dang, that just ended suddenly...

Sep 21, 2023 21:17

Thank you! You reminded me I forgot to put in the last line of the article!!! All of my worldbuilding for ADiP stops before Z Hour Alpha occurs, that way I don't give away too much of the book plot!! :D

Sep 22, 2023 15:25

You did great with this! I know you were struggling to write her article but I think it’s really good! I like the bits of Trixie’s point of view. Can’t wait to read the book!

Oct 16, 2023 16:53 by Marjorie Ariel

DAWW! I take it from the picture that Trixie is based on a real-life rescue dog? She is very cute. Please give her some love from me.   I also love this entry for the treasured companions list. I'm really enjoying the articles I've been reading that didn't write about human/humanoid characters, and I like how you wrote from Trixie's POV. She also has an interesting skill set for a service dog (but appropriate, given the setting), and I can already imagine how close Trixie and Meghan will become. Really unique entry!

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Oct 29, 2023 01:28 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This is different and unexpected! Congratulations for surprising me so pleasantly!

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