Human Species in Age of Gray | World Anvil


From beyond the sea

Humans are the only race that isn't native to the main continent. According to legends, such as the one that says that once "Everything was Gray", they traversed the sea before the Blue inside of it became too strong, and oversaturated it. They did it thousands of years ago, either by boats or at some point continent was connected to another landmass.
Humans are the youngest of the races.  


Human bodies are covered with thin, elastic skin covered with short hair. They have additional, longer hair growing on their heads, faces, armpits, and crotches (and sometimes torsos). Their skin color can vary from almost snow white to almost completely black, going through pink, yellow, and brown tones. Their hair can have as many colors going through yellow, orange, red, brown, and from white to black, although many of them dye their hair with colors that aren't normally natural for them.
Humans have two camera-type eyes, two visible ears, a nose and a mouth filled with teeth. They possess two arms and two legs, each with five digits on their ends. They are omnivores.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans love to live in groups. Be it tribes, clans, villages or kingdoms, they thrive when they can cooperate with other individuals.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to their constant clashes in the past, humans, and beteclaws often take a longer time to start trusting each other.
Rockwings often treat humans like children, no matter how old each of them is.
They helped Smeltsparks fight for their rights, a thing the sapient golems are grateful for.
They are a little scared of huerustlers and their origin (oversaturation).
Average Height
Between 1.5 and 1.8 meters on average. They can reach up to 2.4 meters without pathological conditions.
Related Myths
Humans' senses are weaker than those of Beteclaws. They perceive the world mainly through their sight and hearing.


On average, humans live up to the 75th year of their life, but the longest any of them reached was their 120th birthday. Out of the 5 sapient races of Urnketh, they are the ones with shortest lifespans.  


Humans are really quick learners that can adapt as quickly to new situations, traits they had to master to survive on the continent with other, stronger races.  

Magic users

Thanks to their short lives and their thin skin, humans can absorb fairly large amounts of Color and their Color nests are most developed among other sapient races. As such, they are really good magic users, with affinity to use all of the Colors (still 3 at max).   However, those two traits that make them good at absorbing Colors come with a drawback. Humans are really susceptible to Oversaturation (condition) and other Color-based sicknesses.

Cover image: by Revyera


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Jul 4, 2021 17:08 by Molly Marjorie

Really enjoyed reading this! I love how you describe humans for "people who don't know about them." I don't think I could do that XD

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Jul 6, 2021 08:46

Happy to hear you liked it! I completely forgot I wrote something like that so it was nice to come back to it and have a good laugh.