Brewer Profession in Zoetrope | World Anvil


Artificer Subclass (Source: Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos)
Among the various Olyphian Mystics lurks a Mystery Cult calling itself The Folk of the Withering Bloom (or Witherbloomers for short), which has been gaining followers for a few hundred years. The public face of the cult is a benign seeming panththeistic faith offering up broad prayers to virtually the entire pantheon of deities, but with special emphasis on those with a role to play in the cycle of life, death, nature, and the seasons; Olyph is hidden in plain sight as one of these deities due to his unique dual nature among the gods of being both living and dead. The much more overt involvement of Olyph in the founding and ongoing affairs of the Mystery Cult is unknown among the layfolk, with only the inner circle of the initiated who lead the cult being privy to such details.
Balance Between Life and Death
This is a path for those who seek balance in the cycle of life and death. While they might take any stance on good or evil, lawful or chaotic, those who follow this tradition must remain at least somewhat centered. When you would take a level in this subclass you may only do so if some part of your alignment is currently neutral.

Brewer Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Brewer Spells table. They are artificer spells for you, but do not count against the number of artificer spells you can prepare.
Artificer Level
Cure Wounds, Inflict Wounds
Lesser Restoration, Wither and Bloom
Feign Death, Revivify
Blight, Death Ward
Contagion, Greater Restoration
Witherbloom Brews
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with herbalism kits if you don’t already have it. Additionally, as you gain levels in this class you learn recipes for various Witherbloom Brews, which are potent potions, unguents, tinctures, tisanes, powders, and the like. You are able to craft such concoctions that you know the recipes for and infuse them with magical power. You can keep them for your own use or hand them out for others to use, and each such brew retains its magical potency for 24 hours or until expended (whichever comes first).
At 3rd level, you can have two unused Witherbloom Brews in existence at a time. This limit increases by one when you gain your 5th level and 9th level in this class, and increases by two when you gain your 15th level in this class. Saving throws made to resist your Witherbloom Brews are made against your spell save DC.
Witherbloom Brew Recipes
At 3rd level, you learn four Witherbloom Brew recipes of your choice from the Witherbloom Brews list, and you learn four more Witherbloom Brew recipes from that list that you don't already know when you take your 5th level, 9th level, and 15th level in this class.
Making Witherbloom Brews
To make Witherbloom Brews you know the recipe for, you must use an herbalism kit and spend 10 minutes per brew. At 3rd level, you may do so any number of times as part of a long rest, up to your limit. This improves at 5th level, when you gain the ability to make one Witherbloom Brew as part of a short rest, and improves again at 15th level when you gain the ability to make up to two Witherbloom Brews as part of a short rest. However, an attempt to make a Witherbloom Brew in excess of your limit simply fails.
Each Witherbloom Brew must be put into its own container, but what form such a container might take depends upon the type of brew. Some are drinkable liquids and are best stored in a flask, wineskin, or bottle. Others are powders best stored in a pouch or a vial, or salves or oils best kept in a pot or jar. And so on.
Artificer Level
Known Recipes
Witherbloom Brews Limit
Make per Short Rest
When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies if you do not already have it. Additionally, you learn the recipes for two potions of your choice with a rarity of uncommon or less.
At 5th level you choose two more potions to learn the recipes for, with a rarity of rare or less. Again at 9th level you choose two more potions to learn the recipes for, with a rarity of very rare or less. And finally, at 15th level you choose one potion to learn the recipe for, with a rarity of legendary or less. However, in each case you may only choose potions from sources permitted by the DM.
Note that the recipes you learn from this feature are in addition to any you learn in the normal way, acquired through adventuring or via research and experimentation.
Starting at 5th level, as an action you can use both hands to expend two Witherbloom Brews in your possession, mixing them together and infusing the mixture with magic to instantly make a different Witherbloom Brew that you know the recipe for.
Alternately, as an action you can use both hands to expend two potions in your possession, mixing them together and infusing the mixture with magic to instantly make a different potion that you know the recipe for and which is not more rare than rarest of the two expended potions. For instance, if you mixed a very rare potion and a common potion you could make a different potion that you know the recipe for which has a rarity of very rare or less.
Starting at 9th level, the gold and time you must spend to craft a magical potion are halved. Additionally, making Witherbloom Brews now takes you 5 minutes per brew (instead of 10 minutes).

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