Zegenkuru Species in Xeovis | World Anvil


A zegenkuru is a medium-sized beast, similar to a dog in appearance, though closer in size to a dire wolf, with an orange-yellow mane around its neck. Its roar often belies its size, with a deep tone and intense pressure upon those who hear it. Studies of the creature by members of The University have suggested that it is a magical creature, and its roar is actually a magical spell that can cause disorientation and fear. Because of this ability, zegenkuru are commonly used as pets by supporting mages of armies, and can be used to track enemies, alert its handler of dangers, and disorient anyone attacking its handler. It is an incredibly useful beast in combat, and can be a wonderful companion. However, its suitability depends on many factors, such as training of both the zegenkuru and the handler, proper socialization between the zegenkuru and non-hostile humanoids, and exercise. The most common tool to assist a new handler with a zegen pup is a suppression collar to mitigate any of the magical effects of its roar. Not only does the suppression collar reduce the magical effect, it has been used to make the effects more potent against enemies when the collar is either removed or cancelled.  


Zegenkuru are cute animals, but in the six kingdoms, require a permit to possess, purchase, take, or breed. Each action requires a separate permit, which is granted by the Grand Council of The University (which includes the Grand Headmaster at Talyon's Cross, Kirk, Temra, Reykholsa, and Eyriverfi). Each kingdom can create its own laws for nobility within the kingdom, but the permits will not be honored by other countries unless provided by The University.
by Supermachine.art

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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