Victortal Species in Xeovis | World Anvil


The Victortal is a small (generally up to 30cm), beautifully colored frog-like shelled amphibian that has been used for its poison gland or for the euphoric effect given to an unprotected handler. It can jump nearly twenty-times its length while on land, and can swim at nearly fifteen knots. Most humanoid creatures, while not immune to its poison, are unlikely to be heavily affected by a single bite, but a sufficient dose of the toxin can completely incapacitate an adult leonid or orc.   The shell is incredibly dense, allowing the victortal to hide within and be virtually indestructible from any natural predator. Some clans of orcs and leonids will use the shell of victortals as jewelry or decoration on armor. Reshaping the shell into armor plating requires a grandmaster or higher crafter, and is rarely done due to the expense, though there is a victortal mail armor set on display in the palace of Talyon's Cross that was crafted hundreds of years ago.    

Toxin Uses

Many orc clans will use the toxin on their weapons to gain an edge in battle, and the toxin is used in some master-ranked healing potions to allow the patient to sleep. Just a milligram of the toxin delivered directly to the bloodstream (usually by a dart from a distance or on a blade when cutting an opponent) can cause up to an hour of unconsciousness in an average-sized human, though if ingested and prepared by a master alchemist for a healing potion, the effects can be lowered in severity while extending length of the effect.
Type: Amphibian (shelled)
Lifespan: 13-15 years (wild)
15-25 years (captivity)

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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