Tenyoko Species in Xeovis | World Anvil


The Tenyoko is a type of game that is prevalent in almost all regions of Xeovis. It is a relatively small quadripedal animal with black fur and cloven hooves, and is commonly hunted for sustinence as well as for the horns. Males generally have a rack of horns, while the females (does) have small hornlike nubs. The beast is a timid one, running away from the slightest noise, so hunting and stalking skills are required to take the beast down. A successful hunt can earn the hunter over a hundred kilograms of excellent meat, and a skilled butcher can increase that amount.  


Its horns are ground and used as a component in many alchemical concoctions. The meat has a slightly gamey taste, but is an easy-to-find and relatively cheap source of food for many people. It is commonly prepared in stews or pies.
Type: Mammal (Game/Prey)
Lifespan: 3-7 years
by Supermachine.art

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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