Hollow Rekki Species in Xeovis | World Anvil

Hollow Rekki

The Hollow Rekki is a massive, monstrous creature with multiple sharp-barbed tentacles. It generally hides in large bodies of water, but will also use cave systems as a home, and is incredibly territorial. Any stray object, person, or animal within its territory will be attacked. The Hollow Rekki is near-mythical in that very few people who have ever encountered it have survived to tell the tale, though tales of the monstrosity are similar in that they all claim to have survived using Light (Holy) magic. This has led people to speculate that it is of the shadow realm, but no evidence has been gathered to support the claim.   The descriptions vary from anywhere between ten meters to forty meters for the body length and as many as a hundred tentacles. However, all stories are consistent in their description of its glowing orange eyes and sharp barbs on the tentacles. Some stories are from sailors whose vessels were destroyed at sea, others in mountains.
Type: Monstrosity
Lifespan: Unknown
by Supermachine.art

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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