Hollow Kegugyu Species in Xeovis | World Anvil

Hollow Kegugyu

The Hollow Kegugyu is an incorporeal bipedal beast with large wings and three glowing sections on its torso between the wings. It is an incredibly difficult foe, as it can only be fought using magic, or by binding it to its corporeal form using a ritual. The hollow kegugyu has been the nightmare of many adventurers, with those who have heard its shriek are haunted by the sound, and many lives have been claimed by the various kegugyu throughout history. The safest course of action upon encountering one is to run. They are bound to an area, though the area may be larger for some hollow kegugyu than others. This mechanic is thought to be a product of its power as well as the area it was in when created.  

The Shriek

The shriek of a hollow kegugyu can incapacitate a person instantly, which makes it an effective attack and defense. Once the target is incapacitated, the beast will hum to itself, quickly draining the life force of the incapacitated individual. Moving the body outside of the range of the beast's area will sever the life drain from the beast, but is unlikely to immediately revive the victim.  


Thoughts and tales of the hollow kegugyu are varied, but the most prominent in The University relate to a cursed soul who refused to move on from the realm, and this is the reason for the hollowness of their chests. A glowing blue-hued light emanates from the chest of the hollow kegugyu, and a direct and powerful attack into that hollow chest is the only way to defeat one, severing the soul's connection with the body. It is widely believed to be an experimental creature of the shadow realm, cursed to solitude and emptiness until it is killed.
Type: Incorporeal Undead
by Supermachine.art

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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