Golden Antelope Species in Xeovis | World Anvil

Golden Antelope

The Golden Antelope is a generally docile striped antelope with a golden-orange mane and two large horns for defense against wild predators. It was commonly hunted as game by the elves who live on the plains of Reichia, its native home. The creature is a beautiful sight, and its horns and hide, when properly butchered, could fetch the hunter significant coin. However, given the species' dwindling population, the crown of Ideia has forbidden the hunting of the golden antelope without written permission from the crown. Queen Tilda Claymore is not averse to giving the permission to nobles who wish to hunt the beast, but she provides a list of rules that must be followed. The sale of the pelt and/or horns is prohibited without the writ from the crown.  

Hunting Season

Hunting season is generally the only time that permission is granted to take one of these majestic creatures, and only in certain circumstances, such as a drought or other weather phenomena that would make the fawns less likely to survive. Permission is only ever granted for males with a certain length of horn, which helps the population stability. Hunting season for the bucks will generally occur after mating season and after the fawns are born.
Type: Game (Striped) Lifespan: 10-12 years (wild)
Conservation Status
The Golden Antelope is a protected species in the Kingdom of Ideia. Written permission from the crown and a tag with the crown's seal must accompany the carcass. Penalty for poaching a golden antelope is death.

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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