Bonds and Oaths Physical / Metaphysical Law in Xeovis | World Anvil

Bonds and Oaths

My word is my bond.

Magical bonds, such as swearing a blood oath or that between two creatures is a sacred thing, and as such, the world has chosen to enforce it. They are enforced as a sort of magical contract between people or creatures and breaking the bond is nearly impossible. If you swear it, the world will hold you to it.
Oaths are made to bind, for truly there is a task to find.
Bound in the magical grip, By Moon and Sun, the oath must never slip.
For if an oath is broken, by fate you'll be held reclaimed.
  The world holds you accountable, so take heed as all can see
that what's said be done with purposeful intent must be.
Magical bonds formed of Wisdom and Strength, cannot be framed by naivety or length.
Only he who keeps his word faithfully finds the bonds trusted by destiny.
So choose words wisely if going down this path, else face dire consequences that follow in its wrath!

Swearing an Oath

Humanoids are the most common to swear oaths, usually oaths of vengeance, fealty, or protection. Though divine beings such as the gods, may also swear oaths. Bonds such as those between an animal and its handler are common, and usually come with low requirements and punishments. Though bonds and oaths between two sentient creatures that can communicate with each other are generally considered high-enforcement. One example of this is between Relyt and Shimohana.  

Breaking a Magical Oath

Depending on the oath and how badly it was broken, the world punishes one accordingly. In the past, those who tried to usurp the throne who had sworn fealty to a monarch were either killed or they gained a title: Oathbreaker. The title was not visible to anyone, but every person knew instinctively that the oathbreaker could not be trusted, causing people to keep their distance and refuse service to them. The oathbreaker usually gained a mark on the forehead as well.  


The pact between The Pantheon of Light is a magically enforced oath between the six gods of the pantheon. This oath ensures that each of the gods will remain faithful to their pact and look out for the well-being of the world of Xeovis. While it is helpful, it is not infallible. The pantheon knows full well that it is not an infallible thing, thanks to Tyrellion, the Fallen. Millenia ago, Tyrellion was a member of the Pantheon of Light, serving as the god of conflict. His major duty was arbitration of wars between nations. This was a terrible job for him, as he wanted conflict to reign on the world, so he took the punishments of the world as he broke his oath in small ways, just bending the rules slightly here and there until eventually, he began taking greater and greater punishments, leading to the oath being considered broken.   For most non-divine beings, the pain and agony would almost certainly keep them from breaking the oath in the first place, but would kill them outright if they did not stop their infidelity. However, Tyrellion had honed his pain tolerance with the magical enforcement to the point where it felt like a fly landing on his skin. Not even a mosquito, but a fly. The world tried to enforce the oath, but failed. The oath was broken, and each of the other six gods in the pantheon immediately knew that something was wrong. Luckily, they were strong and had the law of the world on their side. The battle was six-on-one and barely worked out in the favor of the pantheon. With the assistance of the world helping them and working against Tyrellion, they were able to banish Tyrellion from Xeovis, sealing him in The Shadow Realm.  

Dragon Bonds

The Dragon Bond is a strong emotional attachment formed (usually) between two dragons, such as Erkhai and Alkhana. Usually these bonded dragons are mates. However, a bond between dragon and parent usually does not culminate in that direction, though it is not unheard of. Dragons and humanoids rarely bond, though Alkhana has bonded with Relyt Drak and Illei Kelin as well as the rest of the party that saved her, but this is more along the lines of a familial attachment. Same with the bond between Relyt Drak and Shimohana. The bond is often referred to as a familial bond, and in the case of Relyt and Shimo, Relyt is responsible for the care of Shimo with the role of parent, since Shimo chose Relyt. The punishment that would befall Relyt is much different than a normal bond if he were to not properly care for and protect Shimo, as it would also ruin the relationship between himself and Alkhana as well as Illei, since she is also bonded to a dragon.   These familial dragon bonds are life-long, which may be why Shimo chose Relyt- his divine spark. The power within Relyt can empower Shimo's growth and power.  

Myths and Legends
Surrounding the Magical Oaths

In Xeovis, there is a legend of the Arbiter of Oaths, a godlike being that is outside the The Pantheon of Light, who acts as the enforcer of these magical oaths and bonds. The

Cover image: by MidJourney AI


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