The Awakening of the Fey Myth in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

The Awakening of the Fey

After Berdea created the flora and fauna of Cartyrion, his partner Atezana used her power to Awaken creatures to watch over these creations She set the Dryads to watch over the forests of great trees, and the Limoniads to watch over the meadows and their grasses and flowers. She Awakened the Naiads to watch over the rivers, pools, and freshwater lakes, and the Nereids to watch over the oceans and seas. Finally, though Berdea's touch was light upon the mighty mountains of the world, Atezana Awakened the Oreads to watch over his works there.

After creating these guardians, Atezana Awakened the Sprites and Pixies so that there would be creatures to enjoy her partner's creations. She instiilled in these creatures the playfulness and carefree attitudes of children, for their only purpose was to revel in the beauty of Berdea's creations.


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