Peoples of Vreathe Species in Vreathe | World Anvil

Peoples of Vreathe

Article Contents

This page is a quick reference that lists every possible Race of human and elf, as well as unrelated sapient species. It is by no means complete, but should give you an overview of the many, many different peoples of the world of Vreathe.

This article is mostly complete with 26 entries so far. Note that I use the word 'race' to mean distinct qualities that separate a group of people from each other (life expectancy, origin, etc.). I don't use it to mean skin color.


Humans are not native to Vreathe and at various points in history, four different races of humans walked out of Meliheal, the World tree. All Fey are descendants of humans. Humans vastly outnumber all other races on Vreathe and have a larger impact on the history of the world.

Cida Portrait.png

Gold Race

Legendary race of humans that first arose an uncountable number of years ago. In legend they walked out of Meliheal, the world tree in the beginning of days. They could produce Aether naturally and had access to more magic than any other race, so much so that the silver race of humans grew jealous of them and helped the elder god Tarcur destroy them. Today there are very few of the Gold Race and even the nearly immortal elves have gone their entire lives without ever seeing one.

Silver Race

Legendary race of humans that first arose hundreds of thousands of years ago. In legend they walked out of Meliheal second. Unable to cast magic at the level of the gold race, they grew jealous. Their society became quite technologically advanced in their efforts to use powerful magic themselves, to the point that they made an attempt to make themselves immortal. The cataclysm that was caused from this final act created all the races of the fey, and destroyed the Silver Age civilization in the process.

Bronze Race

Precursor to the Iron Race. They walked out of Meliheal third. They repopulated Vreathe after the global cataclysm caused by the silver race. Their civilizations lasted nearly 40,000 years before an Ice age caused the collapse of Bronze Civilization, giving rise to the iron race. The bronze race has a large variety in body shapes and sizes as well as skin and hair colors. Similar to the Silver Race and unlike the iron race, the bronze race didn't discriminate or war against each other based on their differences and instead lived and worked together. They were instead at constant war with the gods, and the newly created fey for the majority of their existence.

Iron Race

Like the other races of man, the Iron Race walked out of Meliheal, though some stories say they are instead descended from the Bronze Race. Unlike the three previous iterations of humanity, the iron race wasn't very united or culturally similar to each other. In just three thousand years, the iron race covers all the lands of Vreathe and developed into a variety of disjointed cultures, nations, and languages. Like the bronze race, the Iron race comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, skin and hair colors. They go to war between themselves for their differences as often as they do against the Fey.


All fey were created around 400,000 years ago when a silver age experiment mass transformed every member of their race into the fey. Because of this, you could say that all of the fey are descendants of the silver race, or are silver humans themselves. Most turned into fair elves or fairies, but the results were much worse for others. Some turned into trolls, losing their humanly beauty. Others were turned into unidentifiable monstrous masses that went underground into hiding. Others still were just completely ripped apart by the energies and stopped existing on the spot. Note that all fey are genetically humans and all can have children with each other, creating a number of half-varieties of human/fey.



Elves were the lucky ones from the silver age cataclysm. They were blessed with incredibly long life, an excessively large Mana Lung, resistance to disease, among other benefits. Only 1/10th of the silver race turned into the elves. They mainly kept to themselves after this happened though regular mixing with human bloodlines was common.
A person with mixed elven and human heritage is known as a Half-Elf, while other mixed elven peoples are referred to with different names. Half-Elves can live as long as any true elf but their ability to cast magic is greatly dimished by comparison.

Horned Elves

Very few beings on Vreathe are able to produce Aether naturally, which includes golden humans, fairies, gods, and horned elves. The defining characteristic of a horned elf is not their horns, but that they produce the tiniest amounts of the primordial energy of the gods, which manifests in the form of their animal-like horns. These elves are master shapeshifters, able to take on any form. Often they turn into various animals. Over time, some of the animal traits stuck to their base form, created subtypes of horned elves such as Lamia and Centaurs. While they have access to minimal amounts of aether, their mana capacity isn't any different from other elves, making their total magical ability marginally more powerful. They do not compare to fairies or golden humans. Also, their lifespans are much shorter than unhorned elves.


Elves with glowing eyes. They can see things that many other fey and humans simply cannot. Their eyes are linked to the light of the Tower of Heaven which is able to pierce almost any material leaving no shadow behind. They arose from a single elven clan called the Iruakint. The Inakans are excellent miners and craftsmen due to their visual abilities. Visual abilities aside, the Inakans are smilar to any other human or elf with similar physical features. They are somewhat shorter, but more physically powerful. They also have a short life span by elven standards, living only around 400 years.


Horned Elves that preferred reptillian forms. Over time, their horns disappeared, and they grew small plates on their skin and bodies but are otherwise indistinguishable from elves. These scales are normally colorless, but the lamia dye them various colors, along with their hair. In ancient times during war, they loved turning into monstrous snake-like forms and terrorizing enemies. In more recent times they don't do this quite as often but the association with snakes stuck. Lamia culture has always been somewhat distinct from other humans and elves. They welcome outsiders into their community by painting fake scales on the outsider's face, using the same dyes they use to color their scales.


Horned Elves that prefers to transform into half-horse or half-bull forms when in the presence of other humans. They don't actually hold these forms for long, and like all fey, they normally look no different from other elves or humans, with the exception of their horns. Often they turn into their centaur forms during times of war. Centaurs are quite tall for elves, with some reaching three meters in height, making them comparable to trolls and ogres. Centaurs live in their own communities in the plains and forests of Vreathe and mostly keep to themselves. It isn't uncommon to see them in other elven cities though, often taking jobs in the military.


Group of humans that turned into incredibly tiny beings after the Silver Age Cataclysm. They are no more than a foot tall, and their magic storage is concentrated outside their bodies in what normally looks like wings but can be any shape they wish. They can very easily turn into a full human size, but their wings disapear. They have incredibly long life spans, being essentially immortal, and are entirely resistant to the effects of ageing. These fairies are able to naturally produce Aether through an unknown process, making them unbelievably powerful beings.


Angels are fairy folk that are able to maintain a full human size, such is their magical capability. They are terrifyingly powerful, able to match the magical capability of a hundred men or elves. Angels are powerful, but the smaller variety of fairy folk are still magically much stronger because they produce aether naturally. Angels also have a very short lifespan by elven standards, being only around 250 years or so. While they have quite the beautiful appearance, their culture is more similar to dragonfolk like the Therians than to other fey. They are brutal and unforgiving.


Many transformed humans weren't so lucky when the Silver Age Cataclysm happened. Trolls are one example of humans that kept living despite their changes. These Fey are over three meters tall and have a short lifespan compared to elves, being only a century, sometimes two. They are no less intelligent than any other human and there are a number of notable Bronze Age Mages that were Trolls. Otherwise, they are mainly scattered across the land, formed into small nomadic tribes and mostly keeping to themselves. They are very distrustful of other fey and humans and often attack on sight.


Ogres stand around three meters tall. They are highly resistant to physical damage but weaker against magic. Their lifespans are normally less than 100 years. They are incapable of casting magic. Ogres usually keep to themselves in small tribes and their language has evolved to the point it is hard for non-ogres to understand them. Those that leave their tribes often find themselves living in human and elven cities working in things like construction. Due to their size and physical abilities, many will wear heavy armor and gather up into mercenary units, selling their services to the highest bidder.


A very small variety of fey, usually standing less than 3 feet tall. Their lifespans are almost never longer than 20 years. Goblins intelligence and magic casting is limited, but that it due to their short lifepsans more than their maximum potential because they mature at the same rate as other humans. In most countries, Goblins are on the lowest level of society and seen as useless. In other places, Goblins children are raised the same as other children, then when they are ten years old, they get jobs as assistants to older humans. Goblins don't live long enough to learn a proper skill so usually don't work more complex jobs. Some become soldiers and are amazingly adept with firearms.


Orcs stand at a similar height to an elf. They are also just as intelligent as elves and can live for many thousands of years, but they are incapable of casting magic or growing hair. Most of them have exaggerated canines similar to trolls and goblins. They look monstrous to some people, but are actually quite reasonable compared to most fey on this list and regularly live with and trade with other races. Due to their lack of magic and long lifespans, Orcs developed technology instead and are said to have some of the most advanced nations of anyone on Vreathe. Due to fear of another cataclysm like in the Silver Age, Orcs regularly destroy their technology that gets 'too advanced'. Whatever that means, only the Orcs know as gaining access to this technology or even entry into one of their nations is virtually impossible.
Halfling Portrait.png


Halflings are not technically an individual group of Fey but they do outnumber all Lamia, Centaurs, and Fairies combined. They are usually regular elves (though can be of any of the fey). Instead of maturing and reaching adulthood by the age of 20 like nearly all other humans and elves, halflings hit a wall in their development around the age of ten and stay stuck there, mentally and physically, for several centuries before a sudden growth spurt has them grow up the rest of the way. Most elves are patient, not caring if they raise a kid for 20 or 200 years, but many halflings grow tired of being treated like a child for centuries while their friends and in many cases siblings become adults, so they run away and set out on their own. They often end up in human cities, still treated like kids, but without the overbearing protections of elven culture. They use that to their advantage.


From the chaos of the Silver Age Cataclysm, these sea-elves lost their lungs and grew gills. Unable to breath air, they retreated into the ocean. Many transformed their bodies to better cope. they can easily change back into a fully human form, and eventually figured out to transmute their gills back into lungs, but they were already been well established in their ocean kingdoms by then, and they rarely leave. Merfolk that do come onto land have the same appearance as any human but with a slight green-blue glow about them. They are extremely long lived but not immortal, living upwards of 10,000 years.

Nameless Horrors

These are descendants of the Silver Race that weren't lucky when they all transformed. Their body shapes were twisted into utterly grotesque forms and they grew extra limbs, eyes, and other body parts. It is impossible to accurately describe them because every one of them looks unique from each other. Their intelligence and magic casting ability varies but generally it is the same as other humans and elves. Shunned and hunted by others, these nameless horrors went underground, forming large kingdoms of their own. If you see one near the surface at all, it is only at night, or in the depths of a cave or tomb. They are afraid and hateful of humanoid beings and will usually attack on sight. You may try to reason with them but their language has long morphed into something indecipherable by others.

Aetheric Dragons

Tarcur created the Dragon Lords long ago in an attempt to destroy Meliheal the World Tree. Half of the Dragon Lords joined him, while half of the Dragon Lords joined the Elder Gods. Throughout the Golden Age, Each Dragon Lord created their own tribe of partially human dragons and all are collectively referred to as Aetheric Dragons. Each tribe is able to switch between a fully draconic and a fully human/elven form. Most of these groups of people don't even live on Vreathe and they rarely interact with the world unless they decide there is a reason to.



Created by the Dragon Lord Xiragus the Nova. Infernas have some draconic features even in human form, but they are characterized by the constant heat they give off, making their presence overwhelming to most. This can easily turn into a raging fire if they are angered. The Infernas live on the hellish volcano world of Izi, a moon of Tarsuros. They originally lived in volcanic areas on Vreathe, but most have since mostly left the world by way of Meliheal. The infernas that remain are solitary beings. They make their homes in nearly impossible to reach areas, usually inside volcanoes. The Infernas are indifferent to the affairs between humans and elves, but are otherwise reasonable people. There are multiple points in history where an Infernas prevented or stopped a natural disaster from occuring.


Created by the Dragon Lord Senget the Wellspring. The Sengar are extremely powerful water dragons, characterized by their glowing aqua colored hair when in human form. They make their home on Lazulia, the ocean moon of the planet Tarsuros. they often make their way to Vreathe by way of the twisting branches of the World Tree. In the past, they fancied themselves gods, and would often take over coastal lands and islands, demanding worship. Many of these kingdoms have since disappeared and these 'Lesser Sengets' destroyed. Due to their power, arrogance, and tendency to act superior towards all other beings, most Sengar do not interact with humans and elves very well. Elves and humans are to give them the proper respect and reverence or be killed.


Created by the Dragon Lord Loralkas the Pulsar. Therians are characterized by their blue skin when in human forms. When they cast magic, their eyes turn into windows into the night sky, with stars clearly visible. They live just under the world of Vreathe in the Realm of Feylisa. Therian culture is unforgiving to a fault, and it can be as brutal or gentle as you make it out to be based on your actions. Therians regularly welcome outsiders into their lands, but the ritual to be counted among their own is often fatal to humans and elves. Therians are completely detached from personal affection and don't have traditional families. They also have a strange practice, even among dragons, where they will challenge Elves and humans to steal one of their eggs. If they are successful, the egg will eventually hatch and they will gain a powerful ally throughout their lives.

((No known portrait exists, whenever one is made, it disappears after several days))


Created by the Dragon Lord Maeos the Incorporeal. Usetos are are a strange type of Aetheric dragon that doesn't exist, but can also exist. Similar to the giant scales of the dragon lord Maeos, which don't "exist" on Vreathe except for a brief period during very specific astronomical events (planetary alignments mostly). When the planets align, then for several days, a hidden civilization of dragonkind appears in a specific spot on Vreathe. These dragons are in human form and appear to have metallic skin and impossible glowing hair. Their civilization seems far more advanced than anything that has ever existed on Vreathe. When the planetary alignment ends however, then they stop existing on Vreathe until the next alignment.

Godly Creations

The only mortal race that predated humans were the Aetheric Dragons, creations of the Dragon Lords, which themselves were creations of the Elder God Tarcur. After the Golden Race walked out of the world tree and started to live on Vreathe, the Elder Gods got jealous of these mysterious beings. Unable to destroy them because of an edict from the universe itself, the elder gods and their children instead created their own beings in mimicry of the humans.



The Anari are a race of drakes created by Tarcur and their purpose is absolute loyalty to the Elder God. These beings are lesser to other dragons in nearly every way. They are unable to take on a human form and have the appearance of large winged lizards at all times. They are quite powerful beings in their own way, but have been repeatedly been brought to the edge of destruction many times due to their never ending service to Tarcur. The Anari live in small groups of what could be called tribes, mainly in desolate areas like deserts, remote islands, or mountain ranges.


The Anari served Tarcur well, but Tarcur was growing jealous of golden age humans. Tarcur then created the Sarla, a race of beings that had some draconic traits, but were otherwise indistinguishable from humans. They also oddly had free will. No matter how much Tarcur tried to remove this trait, the universe just wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. The Sarla were loyal to Tarcur throughout the Golden age, but through the Silver Age, they started to rebel, until by the end of the age when they were completely independent of their creator. Tarcur destroyed them in anger, but some survived. Today there are several groups of people on Vreathe that have the Sarla in their ancestry. The most visible trait they still have from the Sarla are in their eyes.

((No known portrait exists. We can only guess what these beings actually looked like. As Altus modeled his giants after humans, they likely just looked like giant men.))


Altus is known as the God of Giants. He was once known as the God of Earth, and his task was to sew mountain seeds that would eventually grow into the many mountain ranges we see today. After humans walked on Vreathe for the first time, Altus had an idea, and he planted new mountain seeds that had human shapes, to help him with his task. These giant humans stood over a hundred meters tall, and within a few thousand years, Altus had an army of thousands of these beings. The Elder gods grew afraid of Altus and had him imprisoned under the glaciers of the Northern Continent. His giant children scattered across the world. Most have went dormant long ago, sleeping in the earth, taking on the appearance of hills and mountains. Occasionally one wakes up and causes widespread destruction.
Dryad Portrait.png


Dryads were created by the Elder Goddess Yanneth. She needed beings that could help her tend to the green things of the world. Her first dryads were entirely like plants and were stiff beings, unable to help her in this task. After humans appeared, she modeled her dryads after them, and while still mostly plant, these new beings were much more easily able to help Yanneth in her task. Dryads are similar in height to a human with much stronger magical capability, and they have distinctly plant-like traits. They were quite commin during the Golden Age, but in recent times, they are almost unheard of, not because they died out, but because they hide in their forests away from humans and elves.

Attribute comparisons

This section has several tables comparing various attributes between each race of human, elf, and dragonkind.
TypeLifespanAvg HeightMagic Capacity
(Mana Point)
Human (Gold)Infinite1.75m (5'9")100,000
Human (Silver)50,000 years (early SA)
1,000 years (late SA)
2m (6'7")500
Human (Bronze)120 years2.25m (7'5")50
Human (Iron)120 years1.75m (5'9")100
Elf50,000 years2m (6'7")1,000
Horned Elf5,000 years2m (6'7")1,000
Lamia5,000 years2.25m (7'5")1,000
Centaur5,000 years2.75m (9')1,000
Inakan400 years1.68m (5'6")500
FairyInfinite0.3m (1')50,000
Angel250 years2m (6'7")25,000
Troll1000 years3.25m (10'8")100
Ogre100 years3m (9'10")0
Orc50,000 years2m (6'7")0
Goblin20 years1.00m (3'3")100
Merfolk10,000 years1.7m (5'7")1,000
Nameless Thingsunknown2m (6'7")unknown
Infernas50,000 years2.5m (8'2")45,000
Sengar50,000 years2.7m (8'10")45,000
Therians50,000 years2.25m (7'5")10,000
Usetos50,000? yearsunknownunknown
Anari250 years2.5m (8'2")500
Sarla120 years2m (6'7")1,000
GiantsUnknown100m (328')unknown
DryadsInfinite1.7m (5'7")25,000


Author's Notes

I wish I had the ability and time to draw this many portraits...Everything was made in Midjourney using the same seed and reference images. I mostly just did color correction and minor editing for consistency.

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May 13, 2023 23:00

This is absolutely amazing, well presented and beautiful. I love the images and variety. I really like how they are divided into sections like godly creations.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
May 21, 2023 02:24

Thanks for taking some time to read through this and leave this comment (definitely one of my longer articles). Glad you enjoyed it!