Deuterium Material in Vreathe | World Anvil
IMPORTANT NOTE! - Character articles are currently undergoing a major rewrite. Expect information in these article to be inconsistent for a few months. Expected time of completion is July.


Article Contents

Dueterium, also known as Hydrogen-2, is a stable isotope of Hydrogen. It exists on Vreathe in large quantities combined with the element Oxygen in the form of Heavy Water. Deuterium can also be easily created by charging hydrogen with Aether. This form of Deuterium is extremely important in the production of magic potions and grenade.

When charged with Mana, Deuterium has no ineraction, but it does store Mana. This mana is converted into its base and most pure form with no element associated with it. When mixed into verious mixtures with other elements, the result are powerful potions. Compared to normal water, which loses its mana charge almost immediately, the more dense nature of heavy water allows it to keep its mana charge for a year, sometimes longer depending on the preparation and storage methods used.

Similar to Hydrogen, Deuterium will randomly turn into heavier elements when charged with Aether. These elements are the same as Hydrogen with the only difference being a much higher chance of turning into heavier elements like Iron, which can't be conjured normally with magic. While the portions of each heavier element is greater, it takes more aether to cause these conversions to happen. So even though Hydrogen only produces 1% of its mass as Iron when it is charged with aether, it can still produce it much faster.

Element Chance of Conversion Element Chance of Conversion
Tritium 30% Iron 5%
Helium-3 22% Nitrogen 3.8%
Helium-4 14% Silicon 2.3%
Oxygen 9% Magnesium 0.9%
Carbon 7% Sulfur 0.6%
Neon 6% Argon 0.4%
Atomic Number:
Phase of Matter:

Conjuring Cost:
Manipulation Cost:
Mana Types:

∞ MP
<1 MP
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