Dryad Species in Valley of Plenty | World Anvil


A mostly friendly kind of Fae, these elf-like creatures are known for bonding with trees, making them their home. This makes them extremely connected to the forest they reside in, which means any foresting activity in or nearby requires making some form of deal with them. The alternative is to incur their wrath, which can at the very least be considered extremely unhealthy.   It is possible to encounter a dryad which no longer trusts people and makes it their mission to eliminate any people nearby. Due to their ability to hide in trees, it is not easy to deal with one. At that point, it may be better to just burn the forest down. However, this in itself can incur the wrath of other dryads, so it is better to find a way to settle things peacefully. Especially since Dryad Queens are rumoured to exist, which could easily wipe out an entire army for daring to encroach on her territory.
Danger Level
Subjugation Requirements
Two Platoons
Advised Equipment
  • Cold-Iron Short Swords
  • Cold-Iron Bucklers
  • Alchemist's Fires
  • Frost Vials
As a Fae, dryads are vulnerable to Cold Iron. Their tree nature means they're vulnerable to fire. As such, cold iron is the best tool available to intimidate a dryad and convince them to talk. Swords can cut them while cold iron bucklers help defend against being grappled by one.   If a dryad is hiding in a forest and must be taken down, first one must destroy all trees large enough to support one. Normal fire is a great help, but alchemist's fire is an even better way of attacking them. Frost vials then do not serve as a weapon per se, instead these are used to contain flames to prevent a forest fire from occurring.
Dryads normally live peaceful lives inside their trees, so as long as nearby communities live in harmony with nature, they will not act. If they find intruders, they will try to dissuade them through a variety of less-lethal methods. They can somehow communicate with plants and animals through magical scents, which lets them quickly turn a forest into a very dangerous place to be.   They bond to their trees and are said to grow sick if too far away from it. If their bonded tree is destroyed, they need to bond to a new one, a lengthy process that leaves them extremely vulnerable.


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Aug 2, 2023 05:00 by Molly Marjorie

I like how you structured your article--including not only the basic description of the dryad, but also the best way to fend it off if need. I feel particularly bad for any dryads that lose their trees. That must be very painful.

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Aug 2, 2023 05:51 by Michael Chandra

Definitely! Not just emotionally, but also physically. A Dryad will wither away over time if too far from, or without, their bonded tree.   Glad you liked the structure. I developed this in-universe article style during WorldEmber and it really helps me with my species, giving me a solid framework to pour the content into. Plus it's player-friendly.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Aug 22, 2023 21:20

This article reads as a good, compact monsters hunters guide. For a traveler crossing dryad woods, this is a very valuable article.   For me it would also be very interesting to know them a little bit as people. Do they have any sort of culture of their own? Do they live alone or do they live in groups? Do different dryad, define "live in harmony with nature" differently or do they have a shared truth, what this means in detail? Have were been a dryad, who was curious about the communities, which lived near her home?

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