The Lordseekers
The Lords of folley The children of men They who climb Karar'at They who withstood the great siege They who stand on the last Citadel They are the true LordsAfter the Rebellion of Able, the nation of Obron fell to run with the Finite races along with it. There was strife and anger among the Finite Races, and wars broke out between the newly born nations, but one nation that has been nearly wiped from the history books is the republic of Ansulf. After the alleged destruction of Ansulf, a number of great mortal warriors held their ground on the highest citadel of the capital. Those who survived were the only individuals left in the city, and so they created their own collective there and deemed it the Republic of Ansulf. This group of warriors blamed the Lords for the downfall of Ansulf and Obron and wished for revenge. They sought out the Lords, aiming to duel them in gladiatorial combat. For obvious reasons, this did not sit well with the many members of the Lordly Pantheon...- Elegy of the Lordseeker
The destruction of the Lordseekers and the Republic of Ansulf is a story of spite and madness. Just hours before the Lords' Hammerblow, Viabaas went down to Ansulf, wishing to bargain with the Lordseekers and show them the truth behind the Lordly Pantheon. However, these ruthless and revenge-driven warriors were in no mood to listen. They began to battle Viabaas on sight, but he continued towards the center of the city while swiping away every strike effortless. As he entered the Elders of the Republic attempted to restrain the Lord of Angels to no avail. This was the moment in which Viabaasa became truly disappointed in the current state of the Finite Races. The Lordly Pantheon had bent every effort towards freeing these mortals and giving them the Wraith Globe to roam freely, and they were being repaid by this kind of foolhardy treachery. In a moment, he lost all hope in the Finite races, and Viabaas smote the ground with all of his power and might without an ounce of care for the survival of the Finite Races. He simply wished to start again... And so the city of Ansulf was wiped off of the face of the world, leaving a massive crater in its wake that would become the reservoir for the Bed of Roses... The impact of the blow cracked deep into the foundation of the earth, and the continent waned and snapped into pieces like a dead twig...