Inkpot, the star-studded Item in The Special Convention | World Anvil

Inkpot, the star-studded

I am a little inkpot, dark and stout, this is my handle, this is my spout.
Murder, a trail of inkspots, play script, Empress' press, Imperial City, 678AoS.

Those who know of The star-studded inkpot, a tool of destiny, blanch at the mention of it, and how it only seems to appear to blot out destinies and erase ended threads of fate. None so eagerly as sages of the Realm, after the play ended up causing deaths to all that saw it, including a pair of unemployed gods visiting from heaven.

A part of the machinery of the loom of fate, it first blots out artistically over those it will erase, one drop of ink at a time, until they're all blackened and disappear, fading into nothingness.

Item type
Consumable, Magical


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