Nightward Society Organization in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Nightward Society

The Nightward Society is a mysterious group, dedicated to protecting people from the threat of vampires and other creatures of the night. The society is made up of skilled and determined individuals, who have made it their life's work to learn about and fight these threats. It is whispered that the Nightward Society uses Blood magic to attain their goals, but not much is known about this.

Shadowed Society

The society is shrouded in secrecy, with its members sworn to secrecy about their activities and their identities. They often operate alone, or in very small groups. Experienced members are highly trained and skilled in the art of combat. These vampire hunters are often misunderstood and feared by the general population as many people believe that they attract more attention from these creatures and in themselves are dangerous or even uncontrollable. Some even believe that the Nightward Society is controlled by an ancient old vampire, to cull and control potential threats to their rule and power. Still, the society is respected and admired by those who know of their true purpose and do not believe in these superstitions.

Code of the Nightward

The code of the nightward Society is a set of rules and principles that guide the actions and behavior of the society's members. The code is the foundation of the society, and all members are expected to adhere to its principles and honor its traditions.
  • Think before you act.
  • Do not share the identity of other members of the society.
  • End any and all vampiric activity you encounter.
  • Save the innocent before you fight evil.
  • Uphold the code, no matter the personal consequence.
  • Ranks and Jobs

    The Nightward Society is a mysterious and enigmatic organization of which a lot of details are unknown. However, it is commonly understood that it is made up of skilled and determined individuals, each with their own unique talents and abilities. Despite the diversity of their roles and responsibilities, all members of the Nightward Society are united in their mission. They are a dedicated and committed group, willing to make any sacrifice necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of the innocent against the vampire threat.   Red Seer. Red Seers are responsible for gathering intelligence and information about vampire activity and other supernatural threats. They are skilled in stealth, persuasion and especially Divination and other arcane arts, and they use their powers to uncover hidden knowledge and secrets. The Red Seers are instrumental in rooting out the wherabouts of vampires and their subordinates.
      Moonblade. The Moonblade operates in the shadows, carrying out their mission with stealth and precision. They are skilled in a variety of weapons and tactics, and they are able to blend in with their surroundings and move unnoticed through the wild as well as through the many cities of the world. They are trained in the use of poison and other covert methods of assassination, allowing them to strike from the shadows and eliminate their targets without leaving a trace.
      Shadow. A shadow is someone who literally shadows an individual, they are responsible for the protection of people who are at risk of being targeted by vampires or similar threats. They are assigned to these individuals, serving as a constant presence and a shield against danger. They are vigilant in their duties, always on the lookout for any signs of danger and ready to take action at a moment's notice.
      Fangbreaker Fangbreakers are artisans skilled in creating non-magical and magical items that are effective against vampiric creatures and sometimes other types undead. They are often well-versed in the anatomy and physiology of vampires, and use this knowledge to create powerful weapons and armors to aid operatives of the Nightward Society. Fangbreaker smiths are common, but there are also fangbreaker enchanters, weavers and jewelers.
      Grand Warden. The Grand Warden is the ruler of the society. Very little is known about the Grand Warden, and it is unclear if they are even a real person or simply a legend. Some say that the Grand Warden is an ancient and powerful being, with centuries of experience fighting against the forces of darkness. Others claim that the Grand Warden is simply a myth, a way for the society to add an aura of mystery and power to their operations and the society is actually far more decentralized, adhering to their code and working together when needed, but not falling under a single leadership.
    Guild, Assassins


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