Eye of Obscurity

Minor Illusion Curse (Creature)

Description. The Eye of Obscurity causes a creature to be unable to see anything other than a vague, shadowy outline of their surroundings. It is unknown where this curse originates, but a creature can become cursed with the Eye of Obscurity when meeting the gaze of another creature afflicted by the curse.   Effects. A creature that looks at another creature cursed with the Eye of Obscurity has to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 14). On a failed save, they become Cursed. While Cursed in this way, they become unable to see anything other than a vague, shadowy outline of their surroundings. They suffer a -10 penalty to Perception checks and they have disadvantage on attack rolls and all ability checks that rely on sight.   Breaking. Remove Curse, Lesser Restoration or a spell with a similar effect.
Type of Magic
School of Magic


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