

Nebusian god of sports and competition, Donetet is a major force in Uatkara. All peoples of Atenkhet adore sports in some form or another, be it those based on balls, athletic performances, intellectual gauntlets, or otherwise. It is the proving ground through which one can always be tested on their merits and skills, and so uphold great worth amongst their peers. But a difference between sports and brutality is rules and fair judgement, thus Donetet places profound importance on following both. Even more than that, he is scornful of those who try belittling accomplishments or feats, no matter how great or small. Everyone, in Donetet's eyes, can participate in sports.   In a world of many different species and variants, physical and mental aptitude is a very contentious field. Those who can outlast a human are rare indeed, but that same human has no hope against the raw strength of a dragon. Can one surmount the incomprehensible calculation of a mertakan strategist? Wokma and Jiuweihu scoff at such easy problems even if they are stumped in a deadlock duel with them. What of those who suffered poorly in their lives, compared to the richness others are blessed to receive?   Do you sequester them based on species, or let them compete, even if natural talent outweighs personal accomplishment?   To answer these questions is a civilization-defining problem, one that has unwoven otherwise harmonious wholes. From sports one infers many other truths, perceived or not, and so from sports springs a myriad number of problems. For Atenkhet, although it is easy to count the number of 'official' sports, the leagues, rules, and organizations behind them are unfathomable. In the cauldron of public opinion, however, a few have arisen to the top, enduring where other civilizations have fallen apart. Their answers befit Atenkhet, even if others may not find them working for their own homes. Thus Donetet watches on, offering his sage advice and impartiality to continue the great sports the people love.   It is a constant affair, even busier than the governmental apparatus. Passions run strongly, and emotions burn brightly, so even the most fair of arbiters may be caught in a back blast on a simple ruling. Donetet's legendary oration skills and amiable nature have done much to ensure fairness in his sports. Where that has failed, he has challenged all contenders personally, leveling himself to their mortal ability and competing as equals. In others, he has become that which they accuse of underachieving, only to stun onlookers with his splendorous victories. Is it divine excellence, or his timelessly perfected skills? Whether from Donetet himself or the peoples, no one can truly say, but his examples have helped bring direction to the life of sports.   Some scholars, interestingly enough, do have a habit of worship for Donetet. His incredible organizational skills and sharp mind are inspirational in their fields, even if they aren't playing sports themselves. There is ever some debate where intellectual sports and intellectual academics overlap, exactly. The context of a game is one matter, but if one proves a formula before their rivals, is that not a competition as well? Donetet makes himself scarce around these matters, for even his skill has limits.
Divine Classification


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