Prompt 2 - Magic in Synergasia | World Anvil

Prompt 2 - Magic

How Does Magic Manifest in your Region? Discuss the general nature and overall importance of Magic in your portion of Synergasia.

Suggested Topics

  • Is there active magic at all? Can the people of your world access and/or manipulate it?
  • How commonplace is magic? Does every household have a "magic light source?" Is it rare, and therefore feared by the common person?
  • If magic is commonplace, what sorts of items/spells would be the most commonplace? What purposes do these serve?
  • Does the magic have a source? Or is it "just here, there, or everywhere"? If it has a source, is that source controlled by someone or something?
  • Are there different types of magic? (examples: Oracle magic to divine the future or see/hear things far away... Magic that seems to create things out of thin air... Magic that protects one from harm... Magic that summons beings from someplace else... Illusion magic that works on the mind of the observer) Are there different classes of magic wielders?
  • If magical talent is acquired, how is that done? If it is innate, how is it awakened? How is it strengthened?
  • If magic is learned, can anyone learn it? Is there some inborn trait/talent required? Does it cost a lot to be trained?
  • If magic is innate, what hereditary conditions allow it to manifest? Is there some condition or situation that can trigger the awakening of magical ability (trauma... phase of moon... maturity level... being affected by someone else's magic)?
  • Is there a cost associated with wielding magic? This could be financial, physical, emotional, mental? Are these costs temporary or permanent?

Submission Guidelines

  1. Make sure you're pointing to the Synergasia world when you create your article.
  2. The Suggested template above is just that - a suggestion. If you really think a different template is more appropriate, then use it. If you have a customized template that you want to use, then use it.
  3. In the event that your new article introduces something that changes something in your region's Canon article, please highlight this somehow. (A note in the footnotes will be sufficient!)

Suggested Template(s)

To describe the nature of magic in your region, the Natural Law template will probably work best.

If you wish to go on to describe common magical items, the Item template would work.

If magic has a specific source, the Location or even Building/Landmark template may work (but if you're doing this before you have a region assigned, you may need to go back and tweak it once your place in the world is known.

The Rules

The only rule in Synergasia is that your worldbuilding is restricted to your area unless you are actively collaborating with a neighbor. If you are collaborating, let us know and we'll make an entry in the Canon articles to notate it.

Other than that, your region is your world. Go for it!

There are no prizes... no judging. An article with 300 words is probably the low end of "enough to be useful", and more than 1500-2000 becomes a "wall of text" that will frighten people off. But there are no hard restrictions on minimum or maximum word count.

We will review your article and will, from time to time, extract certain facts to be included in your region's "Canon" article. These articles will be guides for you in the future, and for anyone you wish to collaborate with. ("Canon" will include things like capital cities... names of rivers, settlements, deities... major past or present events... wars... conquests... You get the idea.)


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