Prompt 10 - A Cherished Item in Synergasia | World Anvil

Prompt 10 - A Cherished Item

Your "Main Character" has a trinket in their pocket (or belt pouch... or on a chain or leather thong around their neck... whatever...). It has no significant monetary value, and it possesses no real physical or magical "powers", but it is extremely important to your character for personal reasons. What is the item, and what is its signficance?

In the last prompt, you were asked to create a Protagonist, or a Very Important NPC within your region. Now we'll start getting to know what makes that person tick...

This is the first in a series of prompts that will hopefully help you to get to know your protagonist or major NPC. Everybody owns (or has owned) some item that carries sentimental value even if it doesn't carry much monetary value. Items like this are important to understanding how a character thinks... what is important to them... what major events shaped their lives... etc.

In addition to describing the item and the reasons for its significance, there are a few other questions that you may wish to address:
  • Is the protagonist embarrassed to share that they possess this item and place so much significance in it?
  • Does the protagonist let people know that this item exists? Do they explain its significance?
  • How would your protagonist behave if this item were lost or stolen? Would their confidence be shattered? Or would their resolve become stronger to see some difficult task through? Would everything else stop until the item was recovered?
  • What would your protagonist do if this item were stolen (and the protagonist knows who stole it)?
  • If the item were lost, how desperate would the search to find it be? Can it be replaced?

Suggested Template

You probably want to use the Item template for this one. The Generic and Construction Tabs on this template have lots of slots for describing the item physically. The Generic tab also has placeholders to address the Significance and Rarity of the item. The "Mechanics and Inner Workings" area could even be used to explain some of the methods in which possession of this item affects the character (even though those effects are due to psychological reasons rather than physical or magical). And, as always, if your response doesn't seem to fit in the prepared slots, there's always the Vignette.  

The Rules

The only rule in Synergasia is that your worldbuilding is restricted to your area unless you are actively collaborating with a neighbor. If you are collaborating, let us know and we'll make an entry in the Canon articles to notate it.   Other than that, your region is your world. Go for it!   There are no prizes... no judging. An article with 300 words is probably the low end of "enough to be useful", and more than 1500-2000 becomes a "wall of text" that will frighten people off. But there are no hard restrictions on minimum or maximum word count.   We will review your article and will, from time to time, extract certain facts to be included in your region's "Canon" article. These articles will be guides for you in the future, and for anyone you wish to collaborate with. ("Canon" will include things like capital cities... names of rivers, settlements, deities... major past or present events... wars... conquests... You get the idea.)


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