Encror Nomenclature in Synergasia | World Anvil

Encror Nomenclature


Encrors have a similar naming tradition as the now extinct Bardes.
Their name-giving is strangely akin to those of humans because of this.

An Encror would have three names: a given name, a family name, and a nickname given to him after he or she accepts their Purpose.

Often, an Encror will leave behind his birth or given name and choose to be called by his nickname instead.
Encrors have total control over their nickname, and like in human society, will thoroughly discuss their new chosen name with their mentor before making a choice.

The Encrors' language is related to the ancient language of the Bardes. To a human ear, it will sound harsh and will be difficult to pronounce.
Encrors use many guttural sounds in their alphabet (very similar to Armenian).  

Given Names

The inspiration for given names and family names is based on the names of the gods. The Encror Pantheon is very diverse and there is a deity or spirit for pretty much every natural element and emotion.

Giving a child the name of a divinity will ensure the child's protection and fulfillment in life.
For example:  Barkev is the god of generosity and giving and is also a popular name for boys.


Family Names

The family name is the name of the clan the Encror belongs to.
The family name will come first. The family name will be the name of the ancestor who founded the House the Encror belongs to.

Here is an example of a full name: Asadour Barkev.  

Honorific Titles

An Encror of great repute will often gain an honorific title which will be bestowed on him by the Elders of the House.
This title will be specific to the great deeds the honored Encror has accomplished.

For example, Saviour Asadour Barkev could indicate that this Encror man has saved someone's life.  



An Encror's 'nickname' will be given to him after he or she has completed the series of feats which will usher them into adult life.
As in Human society, that nickname will have a particular meaning or importance to the Encror who picked it.

Here is an example: Asadour Barkev Ayk  - Ayk is the man's nickname and means 'Dawn'.

As with human society, nicknames are important to differentiate people with the same names within a house.
Many Encrors will have the same given and family names.

  Here are are 20 names for male and female Encrors:


  • Atapeg Gaydzag Emin  -   Gaydzag is the spirit of thunder and lightning, Emin means 'honest.Vahram
  • Noubar Bab Azad -  Bag is the spirit of the Ancestors and Azad means 'free'.
  • Tsolag Dzovag Khajag    -  Dzovag is the spirit of lakes, and Khajag means 'blue eyed'
  • Souren Mardig  Mkhitar -   Mardig is the spirit of War,  Mkhitar means 'comforter'
  • Reteos Nshan  Sirekan  - Nshan is the spirit of Omens and the Future, Sirekan is the word for 'lover'
  • Partogh Vrej Zoravar  - Vrej is the spirit of Vengeance, Zoravar means 'powerful'
  • Oshin Arpi  Medax -  Arpi is the spirit of Sun and Light, Medax means 'silky'
  • Paramaz Meghety Varoujan -  Meghety is the spirit of Music, Varoujan is a 'bird of prey'
  • Melkon Parounag  Kami -  Parounag is the spirit of Wine and Feasts, Kami means 'wind'
  • Khoren Kud Gdrigd - Kud is the spirit of Exploration and Travels, Gdrigd means 'brave'


  • Lernig Razmig  Vosgetel  - Razmig is the spirit of Warriors, Vosgetel means 'golden thread'
  • Khatchadour Alik Talar  - Alik is the spirit of the Sea, Talar means 'Greenery'
  • Jivan  Heghnar Tangakin   - Heghnar is the spirit of the Forest (deer), Tangakin means 'precious'
  • Hetoum Houri Shogher  - Houri is the spirit of Fire, Shoger means 'rays'
  • Ghevont Kohar Titer -  Kohar is the spirit of Jeweller, Titer means 'butterfly'
  • Eshkhan Lusine Shoushan - Lusine is the spirit of the White Moon, Shoushan means 'lily'
  • Dzadour Patil  Pouregh -  Patil is the spirit of Snow and Glaciers, Pouregh means 'crystal'
  • Babeg Lori Noushig - Lori is the spirit of Trees and Woods, Noushig means 'small almonds'
  • Kourken Sirvat Markrid  - Sirvat is the spirit of Flowers, Markrid means 'pearl'
  • Zarvat Tshoghig Knkoush - Tshoghig is the spirit of Dew and Sunrise, Knkoush means 'tender'

Encror Place Names

Encrors place names are dictated by the Spirit who looks after it. So a well might be called, Lori's Well or a mountain Lusine's Peak.
For the Encrors it is very important to respect the spirit who dwells in a certain place.

Small offerings or prayers are given every time an Encror enters a place to pacify the spirit within - it can be as small as a sign, or leaving an object behind. If the spirit is not appeased, the well could run dry, the animals leave the forest, all sorts of calamities might ensue.


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