The Llama Lady Character in Space Opera Pirate Collab Thingy | World Anvil

The Llama Lady

professor (a.k.a. Llama lady)

Originary from a magical town in a technologically inclined country, she was a map maker but people often forgot about that because she didn't look like a map keeper. Or like any kind of academic. She looked like one of those travelers, with a different hat everyday, heavy water-proof boots and pockets showing (or hiding) all over her clothes. One would think she traveled to study the lands, seas and outer space, but no. She had never left her town.   Still, she could visualize everything on the maps, even when seeing them for the first time. She did a good job keeping them all in good conditions and well organized. But the maps weren't her life.   She have plenty of activities out of the library. Like avoiding the neighborhood parties, playing hide and seek with a man who kept trying to invite her in a date, feed stray llamas, watch the news, go to the opera, chase dragons away (dragons at her town are not as bad as most of those creatures, but they eat llamas sometimes), cook, clean, take care of hurt stray llamas, a good tea every day...   She was just making her daily pot of tea when strange people visited her. Pirates. They wanted her to help with some sort of quest. She didn't like pirates, but the idea of traveling wasn't that bad. Besides, it didn't seem like it was optional.
Grey, upturned
thin, black, short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.78 mts
65 kg


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