Gis Character in Space Opera Pirate Collab Thingy | World Anvil


Created by Tyess

Librarian Marciedgatmiladomia Norsedilquintus Gis (a.k.a. Gis)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Androginous and apparently light, as most fairies, Gis is in good shape and very resistant, but strong? not so much. The seemingly delicate wings at Gis back, are not strong enough to fly, but they are heavy and somehow sharp. They are also very useful when it comes to plane and shield. Gis's feet have lots of scars from before they developed calluses. That's quite normal for fairies that don't fly, and the ocasional wound for stepping in sharp rocks by mistake, is easy to heal with magic.

Identifying Characteristics

That brown & red moth in their left outer wrist seems a tatto but it could be a birthmark... Wait, did it just fluttter? Nah. Must be a trick of light.

Apparel & Accessories

Before being kidnapped, Gis would wear:
  • long tassel cloaks, usually red & gray, sometimes hooded.
  • Black or white leggings.
  • No shoes.
  • No accessories of any kind.
During the journey, items or colors from the planet of last-week are included, and may or may not be replaced later. Shoes seem to be particularly interesting for Gis, as well as items that only are used in a particular region.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gis can't remember being anything different or having other job, which is perfectly fine, since this is a good life: all fun, knowledge and meeting different species.   As every librarian fairy, Gis has magical access to the Database of Life, and knows all the shortcuts all the shortcuts to find information about winged insects immediately, since that in particular is Gis's job as one of the winged insects' librarians.. On free time, Gis likes to navigate other species information, and has leart a few interesting stuff and shortcuts to species out of their line of work.   A long time ago, Gis used to envy the fairies that could fly, but being angry at them was unfair since it wasn't their fault. Therefore, they had to learn to climb fast and fall with style, to feel less envious.

Gender Identity

Not such thing for fairies. Either way, any kind of identity in their culture is totally individual. Marciedgatmiladomia Norsedilquintus Gis, is Marciedgatmiladomia Norsedilquintus Gis. Period. That reflects in the lack of pronoums in fairies language and culture, but they sort of understand that other cultures consider them useful and try to keep up, but it gets tricky with languages that have more than one.

Intellectual Characteristics

Gis learns really fast, but won't remember anything for long unless it is useful or funny. More often than not, Gis will have trouble studying, because it's so easy to get distracted with unrelated information. It's lucky that the librarian already knows a lot about winged insects and almost never has to study for job related tasks.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Gis is curious, open minded, kind and carefree.
  • In rare occasions, Gis can also hold grudges and in those cases they can be passive-agressive or even cruel.
  • Gis is too responsible when it comes to work related topics, and too irresponsible otherwise.

Personality Characteristics


Gis wanted to travel because that’s a way to learn, but they didn’t ask to join a quest. They have work to do at home! And the pirates didn't even ask properly. But since they are here, Gis is determined to end this quest fast and enjoy the ride while ruining the fun for those organizing it.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Creative solutions... (or problems for others).
  • Tries to be fair
  • Pacient. When it's necessary.

Personality Quirks

  • Resentful, would get out of their way to cause trouble to the people that has wronged them.
  • Scared of buildigs (and the inside of ships)
  • Tech malfunctions while/after Gis touches it



  • Clicks the tongue instead of using interjections.
  • Refers to everyone for full name (or as much as they know) instead of using any kind of pronoun.
  • Copies the accent and gestures of the person they are talking to.
  • Gis's favorite questions seem to be: Yes, but why? and How?


Circumstances of Birth

Circumstances of Death
Apparently fairies are inmortal.

Almond Shaped. Pink pupils, black iris, redish sclera.

Slightly coiled, smoke colored, long.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation

1.63 m

61 kg

Quotes & Catchphrases
It seemed funny, so I had to do it.
Known Languages
  • Fairy
  • Barely enough to comunicate with most travelers in their own tongue.
  • The language of most species of winged insects. Can figure out the rest really fast.

Original description of the character.



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