Rhean-Quean Physical / Metaphysical Law in Solivity | World Anvil


The world uses a combination of science and magic. The ancient name for this is Rhean-Quean (Ren-Kwan) for now we are only going to focus on Rhean; it means ‘Source’ and can be interpreted to mean ‘Life Source’ . Everyone has a Rhean and everyone has the ability to tap into their Rhean, it is a competing force that allows you to Draw while also fighting you for control of your mind. An easy way to picture it is like the Symbiote from Spider-man, except purley mental and not all Venom monstery.


  Rheans can’t easily be described but their strength can, generally Rheans are a lot more depleted than they used to be. This is due to both human bloodlines and perception. The large amount of bloodlines mixing as well as the overall hatred of Drawing by most of society has surpressed the ability in many people. There are the exceptions to this, people with extremely powerful Rheans, but these people are at greater risk of succumbing to the Rhean and losing themselves.
You can sense someone's Rhean but it is a limited ability, you can tell the intensity of someone's Rhean but you aren’t able to tell anything else.


There is something else inside you which is vital to Drawing, it's called Quean; this roughly translates into ‘Heart Fire’. This is probably the most important part of Drawing as this is where your true power lies. Quean is essentially your true soul. While Rhean is what allows you to Draw, Quean is what actually fuels your drawing. It's the reason why we didn't lose our Rheans completely, they need to take control of our Quean's in order to take control of us.
You are unable to sense this in someone else just yourself, it can often be thought of a ember burning deep inside of you keeping the warmth of Rhean alive. When you start your journey into Drawing you need to stoke your Quean in order to wake your Rhean.


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