Fri, Dec 22nd 2023 09:04   Edited on Thu, Dec 28th 2023 03:07

Pathfinder 1 - Missing/not working multiple attacks on BAB

When, say, a fighter comes at level 6, his BAB gets 2 hits : +6/+1 But the character sheet on BAB only allows 1 number. I tried to put 6|1, 6;1, 6,1 but multiple attacks rolls seem to not work. This gets complicated to roll attacks when having multiple attacks at high levels.   Improvement: have a way to write multiple attacks
Sat, Dec 23rd 2023 02:53

Will check it when I am back home after christmas. :-)
Thu, Dec 28th 2023 03:07   Edited on Thu, Dec 28th 2023 07:56

Okay, you can have multiple BABs now, eg 16|8|1   Question though. Does this also go into CMD and CMB? So do you have multiple Combat Maneuvre attack rolls or defense values, too? I just added that, too. If that's not the case I'll fix it back for those.
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