Daisy and Bar Plot in GFCP and the 7 Realms | World Anvil

Daisy and Bar

    Daisy and Bar. She is a garden witch and he is an ogre. They are mates. That normally wouldn’t be a problem, but in the course of their courtship several large road blocks have stood in their way.
    Begining early on in their relationship, round about when Bar was 22 and filled with eager and raging testosterone. He, having been invited for a family dinner, entered his friend's home and stepped into his mate's smell. It was in every creavice and crany of the home and he immediately went to kill his friend's father for daring to touch Bar's mate when Bar realized it wasn't his friend's mother, but his friend's 14 year old sister who had triggered his instinct. Bar quickly left the home and went on a world tour for nearly a decade in which he earned the Heavy Weight Boxing Championship Best Boxer Title Certificate and Commerative Mead Stein 8 times. In a row. He still holds that record.
    Upon returning home, intent on claiming his mate, Bar found out Daisy was at university in the Forbidden Realm and would be out of the Kingdom for another 3 years. As he was not bidden to the Forbidden Realm, he was unable to follow her and thus, he and his business partners entered into what they thought would be a quick and painless contract with the Wicked Witch. A quid pro quo, if you will, only to find that some things weren't as easy as they'd thought, and then...
    Daisy returned home with a useless degree, found out her mate was stuck in a legally binding contract, that he willfully entered into, mind you, that explicitly, EXPLICITLY, keeps them apart and she's a lil'bit miffed. Miffed enough that she refuses to speak with him, constantly parades with men across the street from his gym, and regularly takes money from the gym cash box.
    Bar completely understands her anger. He's none too happy about it either. But, it isn't his fault that his friend and business partner hasn't fulfilled his end of the contract.
    Daisy is bored with the entire thing and starts spending most of her time with a younger man. Bar doesn't like that at all, I promise you, especially as the couple has taken to froclicking and chasing each other around an open space behind the Gym. In plain sight of of the Gym's windows, and Bar is forced to watch all day, or whenever he lifts weights. Which has become all day.
    Fortunately, a little bit of luck gets the the Fairy Godmother involved. She assigns them a Lawyer who tips things in their favor. And then...
    Daisy and her new man go missing and let’s just say Bar has a strong reaction, and he goes missing, too.
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