Qar Albar Settlement in Odezia | World Anvil
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Qar Albar

Qar Albar is a mythological holy city in Kritmorc. In the Niril religion, it is believed that the three divinities Dinmeyr, Calveyr and Queyr occasionally resided in this city.

City of Worship

Qar Albar is often described as an utopia where the streets were made of marble and the buildings of crystals of all colours. The inhabitants lived in a perpetual state of bliss, most of their daily life devoted to the worship of the three divinities. They would prepare the city for the visit by the divinities, keeping it clean and pristine.
At the top of Qar Albar stood a large temple with doors as high as the sky and windows with colourful stained glass. A large, with stars-speckled, domed room held three large thrones for the three divinities. Depictions of the throne room can be found in all three of the Temples of Niril.


One day the three divinities suddenly stopped visiting the city. Before the people of Qar Albar learned that it was the Hollow, a catastrophic ethereal event, that caused the divinities to be able to visit the world of the living, they were distraught. What could have caused the divinities to prefer to be somewhere else, to abandon them, to be angry?
The city emptied out over time. It is believed all Nirillians are descended from the people of Qar Albar, who left to seek the divinities elsewhere. It is also believed that somewhere the city of Qar Albar waits in all its glory for its people to return once the divinities return.

Unknown Location

Few attempts have been made to determine the location of the holy city, for it is blasphemy to question its existence. That it has not yet been found means simply that it is not yet time to find it. Once the divinities will return to the world of the living, then the city of Qar Albar will once again be inhabited.


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